How is the attraction to a particular race determined?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by JREMINATOR, May 14, 2006.

  1. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member


    Is it just me or is it HOT in here??? :oops:

    Oooh la la, il fait CHAUD!!!

    JREMINATOR New Member

    It is HOT...always is supposed to be, between WW and BM :)
  3. Taye

    Taye New Member

    same here :) but what goes through your mind when you see a beautiful white girl versus a beautiful black girl or is it just something that you feel? cause when your in a diverse environment your going to see very pretty white/black/asian etc. girls so who do you primarily look for and approach first?

    JREMINATOR New Member

    I have to admit that when I`m surrounded by many beautiful women, I usually will be impressed by all of them...but primarily, the reasons I will look for the WW is probably bcoz somehow I just feel more comfortable with them as they are the women I`ve been around the a totally nonobjective preference, due to my upbringing...

    I have to say that my last gf was Japanese though...and we stayed together for 2 years!!
  5. Taye

    Taye New Member

    did you have alot of white friends growing up?
  6. Taye

    Taye New Member

    or did u grow up in a majority white area?

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Funnily, I grew up in Africa...majority of blacks around me, but...the close friends where all white, from the age of 4...simply bcoz I was taking classical music lessons, and mostly white kidz did so....I took these classes from 4 to age u can imagine that all the real buddies I had for 12 years where white...and my first erotic image of a woman was a white girl! Thus, my predominant attraction to WW

    Another is great how kidz do not care about race...even though I could see in some of them that their (evil) parents had already started gently brainwashing them

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Then from age 17 I lived in France...for 8 years...
    and over there, WW just fall on BM like predators...u can`t avoid many white friends, many WW lovers...
    IR in Europe are far more accepted than they are here!

    In Paris, where my family lives, you see soooooooooo many IR couples in the streets, out in the open, any time of the day :)


    We still gonna visit France right? I wanna see this shiiiit with my own eyeballs!
  10. Taye

    Taye New Member

    what part of Africa are you from? that is really interesting though cause how many white gurlz were you actually around during that time?

    JREMINATOR New Member

    I`m from Cameroon, central Africa, former French/British colony...when I was actually three and a half years old, my mum decided to make me take these classical flute lessons...intensive, three times a week, I went to this private music school...where 95% of the pupils where white...children of ppl working for oil companies, embassies, the UN, etc...
    this was in the early 80s and there were a loooooooot of foreigners in Africa, and they were almost all white!

    So, even though I had a lot of black kidz buddies, they were mostly buddies and stuff...u know kidz, boys play with boyz, girlz with girls...most of the time!

    But when it comes to GIRLS, the only ones I really got close to from that age, were white girls from the music school.

    I remember, the school gave a concert twice a year, I played a piece with this little German girl, and she was a bit older than me...we became friends...I was 4 she was 6...we stayed friends for the next 5 years before her parents and her moved back to Germany.

    That was the first time in my life that I really had a connection with a girl other than one of my biological sisters!! I guess it left a "mark" that my first female friend was a white girl...dunno!!
  12. Taye

    Taye New Member

    WOW! that is definitely an interesting story dude. but what was the general media like at that time like movies/television/magazines/pornography? I mean your neighbor-hod was most likely all black right?

    JREMINATOR New Member Cameroon, in the early 80s we had no national television...the first TV station started operating in 1986...I was 9 yrs old!
    There were movies though, ppl had VCRs, and of course, magazines...
    so we knew what a WW looked like :D

    WW were always the ultimate fantasy, but ppl wouldn`t consider marrying them or even having a long-term relationship with them. It has changed today!

    In 1981 my neighborhood it was mostly black yes, and dating a WW was the most remote idea in a lil` black boy`s head...or in anybody else`s head anyway.
    There were lots of neighborhoods though, where u had a mixture of blacks and white...usually nicer neighborhoods, with ppl from a higher social standing of course...

    My family was modest, but music was the GATE for me to get in touch with "diversity"! :)
  14. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I completely agree that music brings ppl(different races) together (although they may have altercations after wards). I go to this annual Jazz/Reggae event held in May at UCLA and it's VERY diverse. I saw more BM/WW couples than I've ever seen in one concentrated area.

    Not to mention there was plenty of other kinds of IR couples there as well. And being that the concert is held in Brentwood(near Beverly Hills and Bel Air for those unaware), there were plenty of WW students and non-students there enjoying the show so it was the place to be for BM looking to be a part of those diverse environments to mingle in.
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I find this concept interesting, and I believe that it holds some value, if not a lot. Is music REALLY 'the universal language' as they say?
  16. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    I do not know why, but i have always had this opinion that SoCal is extremely anti IR. I lived there briefly and well, you know the rest.......

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Music just makes all the barriers melt...Blacks, Whites, Yellows, Reds...they all read the same notes, play the same chords, feel the vibe, the sound...the power of the voice...they use different rhythms, but the base is the same...Yes, it is universal man...

    You know, when Ray Charles starts is song with "mmmm....I got a woman..." MAN, it doesn`t matter what pigment u have in ur skin, it gives u chills!!!!!!!! :smt020
  18. Taye

    Taye New Member

    Question I have is how did you get your appreciation for ass if your originally attracted to white girls? lol I mean honestly do you think that came from having alot of white friends?

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Well, appreciation for ass isn`t exactly my biggest turn-on...

    Honestly, a typical BW ass, big, directed upward, kinda turns me off...just as much as a stereotypical flat pancake WW ass...

    Well, something in between suits me well...and u find that in both WW and BW. When I started this post, it was really to see what makes ppl be more attracted to one race than another...

    In my case, I think it`s definitely the fact that at the crucial point when a boy discovers his sexuality, the girls I was the closest to where white!

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