How is Britain for IR?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by MixedCalifornian, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    I am considering doing a study abroad at a british university for a year. I am wondering how the IR is in England. Preston/Lancashire area to be precise.

    Also anything interesting I should know about English people/English Proper?
  2. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    Moving from California to Lancashire, you're probably going to experience a bit of culture shock. Do you live in a big city? You're moving to tiny-town :p Note that they think 7% non-white is a "rich cultural and racial diversity" lol. It'll no doubt be more racially diverse at uni specifically though.

    England in general, my experience is that you won't have any real issues dating interracially(not black/white anyway), esp. somewhere like Lancashire but others may disagree.

    Preston is umm...a bit chavvy, but okay really. My only experience is going England to California, but from what I experienced I'd say you'll find "dating" a lot easier going here than there(ymmv). Avoid Fleetwood like the plague, I'd say the same for Blackpool, but it's kind of fun in it's own way.

    English people/culture...Be prepared for sarcasm and self-deprecating humour. You can also expect to be teased a bit, don't take it too seriously. Can't see anything else that might trip you up, but humour is the major difference I noticed, don't take yourself or other people too seriously and you'll be fine.

    Your accent is likely to go down well and we like Americans for the most part, but tbh, you're more likely to get anti-American comments than racism(particularly from the older generations who are annoyed by "the youth of today" copying American culture and behaviours). Most people wouldn't be so rude, but you're pretty likely to experience it at least once while you're here.

    Can't think of anything else major, tbh. If you're a big tv fan you might struggle because all the US shows we get are at least a season behind or repeats of really old episodes and the online sites won't work in the UK T_T

    Will come back if I think of anything else, but it might be easier if you ask about specific things as I can't think of anything you might struggle with.
  3. lottie

    lottie New Member

    Well the ethnic minority of Preston as a city is approximately 15.5% and as far as IR dating is concerned in England, you shouldn't really come across any issues.

    Why Preston? I'm assuming it's a particular course?

    Have you considered other cities in northern England? From a personal perspective, Manchester or Leeds have a wider cultural diversity and also interests in which to pursue. Both also have numerous universities from which to chose.
  4. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    Ermn Chavish? And at my current UNI the study abroad options in England are either Cumbria or Lancashire. Yea the fact the place was over 80% white and called a "Diverse City" made me crack up. But it sort of gave me the impression that there are a lot of 90-100% Ethnic British places. Anyway I was just considering it.

    Thanks 4 the input.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Lived in England as a student and worked there as well but i stayed mostly in London which is totally different from the countryside. The weather though is shit everywhere in England and if you like to get piss drunk on beer in a pub, England is your place.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah thats the truth there. americans seem to think they are above everyone and the world owe them something because they are americans. I was in the army in europe and the american soldiers would act like a real ass. it was embarrassing and horrible. they hated us because we can be arrogant asses at times....ok a lot
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    MC,it is all good in the UK. I have not dated any British babes but,I know from history that some of them love brothers. You being from Cali would be a plus. 11-11-11,I hope those chavs are not like the folks who act like the people from Los Angeles.
  8. jordanz

    jordanz Restricted

    Yeah UK is a good spot for for IR dating. UK women seem to be big up top, what is it, all the fish n' chips?;)
  9. Lakers24

    Lakers24 New Member

    Yeah, it could be. Most of The British Models are Top Heavy and aren’t as Skinny as American Models.
  10. missykins

    missykins New Member

    LMAO! its defo the fish and chips i eat far to much of them and are heavy up top! yeah come to preston thats not far from where i live! we can rave it up :partyman:
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    I definitely want to visit London for a few months.

    The weather is shit but the atmosphere is appealing.
  12. missykins

    missykins New Member

    lol the weather is shit worse up north than south but its getting sunny now been nice for about a week where i am, hopefully we might get a good summer for the olympics :D
  13. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    Yea, the summer olympics are this year.

    good stuff
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I hope to visit the UK in the future.
  15. lottie

    lottie New Member

    I'm not too far from you missykins and have to say that I have been really enjoying the great weather :) Long may it last hahaha!

    You a mancunian I see, I'm going there for a night out soon. Any bars you recommend?
  16. missykins

    missykins New Member

    Yeah I am lovin this weather!! where are u? I dont go to Manchester all the time as i am just outside of it, but when I do go I would go either deans gate, printworks or gay village

    If its a special nite out like birthday etc I would go to a bar which is in the hilton I think its called cloud 9 or cloud 38? its half way up the building u can see the whole of Manchester althou drinks can be a little more expensive than normal but u can get really nice cocktails! yummy haha :partyman:
  17. lottie

    lottie New Member

    Mmmm cocktails..I'm rather partial to them!

    I live in Leeds and was thinking I might arrange a girly night out there, maybe see if there is a travelodge or similar to stay; either that or not drink and drive.

    I have been to the printworks a year or so ago after seeing Diversity. Was a mixed night after my car broke down as the clutch went outside the MEN arena lol. It was that time when snow was a foot high, talk about a memorable night!
  18. missykins

    missykins New Member

    sounds like you had an interesting nite! lol yeah there are loads of cheap hotels for the nite.
    i am thinkin of goin to the leeds festival if i can get the money we should meet up sometime if we can would be a good laugh! i have hered its such a good nite out in leeds from all my mates :)
  19. lottie

    lottie New Member

    Yeah the Leeds festival can be pricey, I haven't looked at the line up yet. Gimme a shout if you are over here and we can have a few bevvies!
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope you both take some photos or meeting that brother who asked about England.

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