How do you feel when you hear black ppl using the n word

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by blondehunter, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I used it when I was younger, but I cringe when I hear it now.

    I also tire of having to explain the difference between black people who use it and black people who do not to white people when they use the argument 'but you guys use it all the time' as an excuse as to why I should not be upset by their use of it.
  2. EuroChick

    EuroChick New Member

    How about when Louis CK used it?
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    did he ?
  4. EuroChick

    EuroChick New Member

    It's in the first ten minutes.

  5. Blocka

    Blocka New Member

    I like that joke, he had the opportunity to hit all bases if he used nigga instead of the nigger. May sound silly but it's an important nuance.

    I haven't verbally used nigga in years but I still use it in thought, it's hard to completely eliminate. Especially while being a young man. No matter where I'm at or who I'm with, other black men will great me with it. So it's whatever, I stopped getting upset about it a long time ago. It's not going to fall out of fashion anytime soon and i'm not going to interrupt or start every conversation off with telling people not to call me nigga.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    News flash

    Racists don't need permission to use anything against blacks

    Until you ban every single word from websters, ull never be safe as long as racial supremacy exists

    It's a free country :eek:

    You have plenty of intelligent people here who write using slang (or type like they're on crack) because this place is really..not..that..deep and they can switch between formal and hood at-will

    Now...if they're calling each other niggas and hoes all gotdamn day and hand in English 101 papers with shit like 'iz be dat mayne' or 'mi nam is g dogg n i got storie two tell'........

    But in the end everyone has an opinion so this post doesn't matter
  7. JohnWick

    JohnWick New Member

    This is an interesting conversation. I personally don't mind the word at all simply because I know that it doesn't apply to me. If a white person were to call me "you filthy nigger!" in public, well I'd smile and drive off because I know that it speaks more to HIS character than my own.

    Having said that, I think its a ridiculous term right up there with "asshole". Yes, I completely understand the social and historical significance of it as I taught African American studies for a semester. Now, as a stand up comic I have a bit (a single bit, just one) where I use the word. I am an articulate comic and the joke talks about how awkward it was to grow up in the hood wearing glasses, reading books, and speaking the way that I do. One day I was trying to blend in in the neighborhood hanging out with my friend who walked up to a group of dudes standing on a corner mean mugging and he said, "Wuz up niggas..." and they acknowledged him. So I wanted to feel accepted as well so I tried it, but I forgot that when I speak I say the WHOLE word. So here I am in a polo and some tight ass Girbaud jeans on saying, "Well hello there my fellow niggers!"

    It got real quiet in all of Chicago...

    The joke goes on but the audience loves it because they feel that 'separation' between me and "the hood". But later I make them realize that the term denigrates and divides no matter who says it.
  8. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member


    and of course....


    Considered one of the greatest of all time, and he said Nigger in every bit he ever did. He is best known for his examinations of racism, race relations, and society in general. Sometimes a word is given too much power. His uses of it are quite dated, but still funny as hell today.

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