How do you feel when someone says they DONT date interacially?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by stiletoes, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. 1449225

    1449225 Well-Known Member

    More of that sweet white pussy for me!
  2. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Hahaha. Good answer!
  3. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Hahahhaha I've seen this shit countless times, man I don't even bother being friend my saying hello anymore.
  4. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Dont really care what others do with their dating lives its their choice. If a women doesnt well then there are plenty of other beautiful and intelligent women that are willing to step outside the box. If a guy doesnt then that just means less competition for the guys that do.
  5. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    i don't feel anything, i think its commical
  6. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    Who gives a rats each his or her own. Everyone has a choice and what he or she choses is all up to them. MAny people never open thier eyes. That's too bad because there are dam good men and women in all races.....
  7. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member

    What do I say?....

  8. suzieb

    suzieb New Member

    such a wonderful answer hehe
  9. Addolorata

    Addolorata Active Member

    No matter if interracial goes up, the majority will always be with their own. Birds of a feather flock together...
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Until they don't
  11. suzieb

    suzieb New Member

  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I don't really feel anything about it. It's their prerogative/business to date whoever the hell they want to date, just like it's mine to date whoever I choose. They just better mind their business when it comes to my preference.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    When I hear, 'I don't date interracially', my next question is always,
    'do you FUCK interracially 'cause we don't have to date.':p
  14. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

  15. Addolorata

    Addolorata Active Member

    yes until they dont lol
  16. Resurrected Fear

    Resurrected Fear New Member

    People do what they do, but it only affects me if they say they'll date anything except black or only light skin black men.

    Haha, I can relate to that. I've had chicks say they wouldn't date me because I'm black, but they'd happily fuck me:smt119
  17. TheWatcher

    TheWatcher New Member

    It's all about preference,just like not liking a certain food or not wanting to date anyone too ugly,lol.
  18. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I don't think anything about it. To me, it's all about personal preference.
  19. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Billions of people on this Earth, the world doesn't revolve around any individual's opinion.

    We all have a limited time on this planet, I'm not going to spend that time concerned with that kind of stuff.

    I am going to make the most of my time and do what makes me happy, loving white women till the day I kick the bucket.

    Hope its the same for others as far as doing what make them happy.

    When we are all gone the world will still carry on, the same social, political, religious issues will still be existent and life goes on.

    Do you and fuck all the rest of the b.s.

    This is why I am puzzled by racists for example, you spend all that time of your life preoccupied with something that you can't change to suit your world view.

    Nothing is going to stop a an interracial couple from loving and fucking. So what is end result for being obsessed about folks personal lives when you don't pay their bills, put food on their table, a roof over their head or give them a piece of ass. :confused:

    BlackTiger2005 said it best in another post

    Straight truth.:cool:
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2013
  20. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I'm past caring what anyone else does tbh as long as they don't insult me and mine I don't care.

    There will always be someone who has a bit too much to say about anything but that's not just an interracial thing it applies to everything.

    I have a good friend of mine who recently came out as Gay, I didn't realise or hear about it at all, but for some reason she stopped talking to me, anyway I saw her in the street and said "some friend you are, you haven't texted me back in months" I was genuinely peeved:(
    Anyway she told me she had a girlfriend, I said I don't really care about that makes no odds to me, but that I was upset as she had ignored me!

    Anyway apparently she had told a couple of our other friends "people I know too" and they had a bad reaction and she couldn't face telling anyone else and facing the same thing.
    So arseholes will always find a way to be arseholes IR daters aren't the only victims.

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