How do you feel about marraige?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by webmaster, Jun 23, 2005.


You date interracially, but what about interracial marriage?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    0 vote(s)
  1. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    sorry, I just dont have the interest in getting into what the government should or shouldnt be doing. Jut putting out some reality of what is today. There many things that have to be weighed when thinking of marriage.
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Russian women like to flatter themselves with the idea that they're the hottest white women out there. I don't agree... I'll give it to Polish women!
    Seven, what would you say about the Czechs? Which country would you say can pride itself in the most beautiful white women?
  3. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Actually, I lived in Czech republic, Prague for about 7 years when i just a Junior analyst/financial adviser. Yea, i have to agree Czech republic wins hands down, then it comes Russian women.

    I even have couple of colleagues who married via Russian women, and they are enjoying their lives together. Maybe I should give it a try, but methinks Russian women only like the BM image.
  4. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Yes, you mentioned what one benefits after one is deceased and buried. You still did not give one reason why it is beneficial for a man to get married. :lol:
  5. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Because i was speaking for myself, a woman. Why would I even worry about you, I got my own stuff (and husband) to worry about. If you dont see the benefit, dont get married. Period. No sweat off my back, I aint looking ot marry you. It isnt a loss to me.

    Some of you guys just want to argue hypothetical ideology. I think the people who get hung up on ideology just dont have any life experiences to draw on. So, they come up with all these "what ifs", "buts" and what ever else.
  6. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    :lol: are we operating our opinions of emotion? I was not literally talking about you. In fact, those who argue hypothetical ideology does in fact have ALOT of life experiences. Where is your logic? :lol:

    Your emotional response is telling. I'll leave it at that carry on back to the original topic at hand.
  7. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    You know that it all depends on the person and their level, and to generalize is myopic. I do think that when a white woman is fascinated with the BM image, she can date a BM, even start a relationship, but it won't last. Because you see an image, not the person... you can't form a true bond. Unless you grow out of the image worshipping, and learn to appreciate the human being you're with.
    I wish you spoke Russian then I'd refer you to a site called, it has its own forum for Russians and Africans who intermarry. There are a lot of Russian women married to Africans. I would post some pictures if I had the permission... They usually go to Africa with their husbands, some stay in Russia. These are no ordinary women. I admire their courage and wish them happiness. There was even a Russian guy the other day who posted a very sweet polite message looking to meet an African girl (who is already in Russia), and some girl immediately responded and asked him what he looks like.
  8. Taye

    Taye New Member

    for me it would be between Italy,Sweden,Russia and the United States ofcourse lol Its hard to choose just one.
  9. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I also don't think it's fair to say that women infringe marriage onto men. Most marriage proposals come from the men after all. And if men are the alpha males they claim to be, then they won't be getting into anything they don't to.

    I don't like money hungry women who choose a partner based on his wealth and status, and I think that what you have before marriage should be yours an extent, unless that capital is used to invest in the future wealth.

    I don't want to get into the state's involvement in marriage as frankly I think they're already too heavily involved in our lives as it is.
  10. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    I think that is an excellent observation. I thought about the whole Russian women thing. Truth be told, I just do not have the time. Also, I am not even "African" my skin is black, but I have been raised in western society. My values, morals, teachings, understands are all westernized, I do not think Russian women will agree with my ideology on politics, or even in marriage.
  11. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    Yes, you are indeed correct, marriage proposals are done in large part by men. Men only claim to be alpha males, because it is what women like, what women want. This is why men are driven to be successful, i.e. to get the women of his dreams. Why? My guess is because women are attracted to power, thus making the man an disposable object. Of course, I do not blame women for this logic, it is only an infliction of natural selection.

    Also, on another note. I do not think men are aware of the burden they take on when marrying. At least, not until marriage, or rather during marriage; they get an understanding of the financial stress imposed onto one. I just think that, there should be a balance. Yes. The gov't has taking what was that balance and created a monster. Women have the option to opt out of the marriage when they so choose, by doing so they are 'entitled' to half or all his wealth.
  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    True; but you're not thrilled with Western women either, so where does that leave you? You've dealt with black women, Asian women, have seen white women from both Western and Eastern Europe... you remain unimpressed. Or do you?

    See, my father was a very handsome man. He could get any woman... and took advantage. He was hard to tie down... my mother wasn't good enough for him. Now in his fifties, he's living with a younger woman... won't marry her because he does not want the financial obligations, much less kids... she's not happy... I don't think he's very happy either... he doesn't have a family... my mother doesn't have a family... I didn't have a family until I met this guy I married and started from scratch. And making a marriage work is very difficult for me. I'm a pushover... I've read this book for kids from divorced homes, and could relate. That's why I don't like people who "don't believe in marriage".
  13. 7Seven

    7Seven New Member

    I am bewildered by the fact that A)Women from each corner of the globe remain completely different in their beliefs. And, B)Men remain the same from each corner of the globe in their beliefs. It is hard to say, 'I like Asian women more then white women, or I like white women more then black women.' Because, an BW in Africa will be completely different then an BW in the US or UK. WW in Russia, are completely different from WW in Germany, Asian women in the US are completely different then Asian women from their naive countries.

    But, men you can pretty much say we stay the same around the globe. You can bet that a man who is attractive, and has material wealth will have any women he wants. Yes. He will cheat on his girlfriends, and wives just because he can. Floating in an infinite external power is quite exhilarating, especially if one has never had it; but this gets boring and becomes empty. When you step back, then look around your circle all you see is corruption and greed. Thus, you find yourself in an infinite pool of misery. "You find yourself in a puddle of shit, without the right boots to wear."

    I wouldn't say I do not believe in marriage per say. I do not believe in the institution of marriage as it stands for today. It is without balance and completely biased towards women.
  14. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I see what you're saying.
  15. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I believe in marriage! I'm pretty serious with my gf and unless something drastic changes I plan on making her my wife!
  16. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    If my lady ask me to marry her i would take her. I'm thinking of asking for her hand, but i do not think she is ready for me. I'm hesitate to ask because she might say no.
  17. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    What if she is just waiting (and praying) for you to ask?? :wink:
  18. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Yah - go for it!

    Personally...I've been through all sorts of things about marriage. To answer the original question - absolutely. For me though, it would truly take the right one for me to get married. And the chances are pretty high that he would be a black man.

    My guess is that this question came more out of the idea that there are women who want to date certain men but want to marry other men. Sortof like how some men want to date a particular type of woman but would never think to marry them.

    I don't have enough time or energy for such garbage. I don't care to waste my time with anyone that I wouldn't want to have a real relationship with. I would rather be alone.
  19. Jasie

    Jasie New Member

    Definitely yes, I am married to a bm now. I think that says an awful lot about you if you're willing to have sex with, be seen in public with, or go out with a ww/bm but not willing to marry her/him.
  20. irisrett

    irisrett New Member

    yes..and i am married to my bm...i asked him several

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