How common do you think this is?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

  2. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Probably pretty common in the US.
    In the UK I don't think we have the same problem at all.
  3. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I don't know. There are guys who have sex with women but would not date them. Is it any worse what she's doing? If she didn't make it about race, if she just said "I like having sex with guys, but I won't date any", would that be ok?
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Not sure, but she is gettin' burned on her thread though.
  5. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    No kidding! I like this one: YOUR a 2x4.....easy to nail.

    This girl is an idiot.
  6. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that one was hella funny.
  7. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Aww man, so many responses to choose from. It's hard to find a favorite.

    This one gets 2 thumbs up, because it is very direct and to the point... and at the same time, manages to get a chuckle.

    You're just a whore. Possibly a racist, but mostly a whore.
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    One person made a good point, they said that the chick thinks she's using/playing the guys but infact the guys are probably using/playing her too.
  9. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Hmm. Not that common here.
    But yeah, she is a racist. Or just an idiot, that works as well.

    I guess here there are some who wouldn't date an african, since of the good old prejudice that they all want visas. And a lot of africans that wouldn't date a swedish girl, since they are all sluts. Hello negative loop of doom..
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I liked this one:

    You make white trailer trash look classy.
  11. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    How'd I miss that one?
  12. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    This is true.
  14. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    It's life sadly. She's still a ho though.
  15. kuntrygirl30

    kuntrygirl30 New Member

    Yeah, I liked that one!
  16. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Bad thing: Using people.
    Bad thing nbr two: calling someone a whore. Is she getting paid? Nope.
    But using people is still bad, a guy doing the same would be an equal dumb ass, at least in my eyes..

    lets turn the tables, if it was a white guy saying this about black girls?
    for the sake of things.. If you call him a skank, slut and whore, then you are more then welcome to call the girl that too.
  17. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Good points, but what do you call a girl that sleeps around then?
  18. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    Take me back to the school yard snaps.

    Your like a freezer, meat goes in and meat goes out.

    Your like a doorknob, everybody gets their turn.

    Your like a TV, a 2 year old could turn you on.
  19. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

  20. scylla

    scylla New Member

    I don't really call her anything. Why would I? It's not like it makes any difference to me..?

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