Honestly can a guy be close friends with a women?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by untitled1985, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I acctually feel sorry for you feeling that way - but by all means, its your life.
    One friend is enough? wow.
    I have 3 very close male friends.. one for about 20 year and two that I known for 12 years.. there has NEVER been any hanky panky or anything even close to that - they are like family to me.
    Two is married (got married way after I started to know them) and I am very good friends with the wifes as well...
    You have to find a balance of course so all partners are comfortable.

    I would be very uset if a new boyfriend would flat out insist I drop them as friends... and acctually would find that rather posessive and suspicious.

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