Honest opinions on a bit of a dilemma?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suzieb, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. suzieb

    suzieb New Member

    Yes I'm starting to think that myself. I know he really does care about me, and me about him, but maybe he just can't commit to anyone right now. Maybe he was reaching out because he was so fed up of feeling alone and unloved (lol sorry for sounding all smushy, but thats the simplest way I can think of to explain what I mean).
    I have to get Xmas out of the way and see what happens.
    I'm pretty disillusioned right now but I suppose thats only to be expected. It could go either way, and I need to just deal with it.
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Very true, it doesn't matter what feelings are there if the timing is wrong. It may be better to back off and tell him to contact you when his situation changes and go from there.

    That is what I told the guy I was mentioning, he is agreeing he is in no spot to date at all. I think he needs time to heal and eventually play around.

    Hang in there Suzie, it will work out they way its meant to, just be fair to yourself,think with your 'gut' not your heart.
  3. suzieb

    suzieb New Member

    Thank you very much :) I really do appreciate your time, and I definitely need to talk to him.
    Its been circling over and over in my mind, and I've been driving myself crazy lol, and he has no clue, I've just been acting the same as always more or less.

    Need to stop obsessing about it now because its not doing me any good, and its not changing anything xx
  4. Apollonia

    Apollonia New Member

    Please remember that you are only hearing one side of the story which may or may not even be truthful. Also, please make certain that you have clean hands by respecting another woman's marriage. You seem like a very nice lady and there are MANY unattached men out there who are waiting for your love and affection.
  5. suzieb

    suzieb New Member

    thank you, I do appreciate that. I mean, we have spoken a lot about this recently, and obviously I can't ever know for absolute certain, but I do believe him.
    I believe that they are in the same house, but are not together, and that he is scared of messing up his kids head even more by moving out at the moment. Yes that is stupid, and I completely disagree with that reasoning, but I can't force his hand or make him do something just because I believe its the right thing to do.
    It's a very difficult messed-up situation, but for now, its enough.
    He has stated categorically that he is loyal to me, he has no interest in seeing anyone else, and he is in this for the long haul. Right now, I can't ask for anything more than that.
    He has every plan to get this whole mess sorted out, but he really has been through the mill for the past few years, and things are already difficult. It will happen, just not over night or straight away.

    Lol I'm very aware that I keep saying pretty much the same stuff, but if someone is going to comment, I'm going to answer haha xx

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