All they did was PUNK-OUT and run... Maybe that impresses you.....being that you're an immigrant yourself.....but that ain't shit in this Country. WE are the reason why life is better in we did SOMETHING right.
First of all I was born here fam and you nor this generation has done much it was the people from our grandparents generation. The generation before us got caught in the crack era and our generation is too concerned with everyone becoming reality and music stars to actually work hard. This generation did NOTHING to make America better we just reap the benefits off others hard work. And the ONLY reason blacks in this country stood and fought because there was no where for them to run to.
Wow, and ppl here think I am the crazy independent thinker, good lawd, it is coming to bullets now? where are we, in Lybia? BTW, Ron Paul and his doctor/senator son come across as racist.