I was at the gas station ("yeah...$70 on the economy car at pump 3!") bumping my radio when a couple of the ladies from the beauty salon next door actually came up to my car to listen to the song I was playing. One of them actually asked me if I would give her my cd she like the song so much! (The song was "no idea" by Algebra Blessett. She's sung back-up for Musiq, India.Arie, and Angie Stone. She's got a voice like an angel, but her album isnt as good as it should be!) When was the last time you heard a song so touching it made you stop in your tracks?
man...it's been awhile since a song has hit me that hard. i guess the last "popular" song that really made me melt was david bedingfield's if you're not the one. that song used to melt me! now you're going to think this is weird, but a piece that really, really moves me is the 3rd movement to Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 17 in d minor. omg! i played that piece for my senior recital - i can't even explain to you what that piece does to me...and to be able to play it is even more intense. if you've never heard the 3rd Movement, you have too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfjD-DQ5REk don't look at the dude, just listen to it. it's such a beautiful piece. i'm weird, i know. :roll: :wink:
I didn't even know music still had that ability. It's been a minute since a song has hit me like that, so I'ma have to get back to you.
Mad World, the Gary Jules version. It hits me just as hard every time I hear it. That, and Angel by Sarah Maclachlan. And Broken Hallalujah, the Rufus Wainwright one. I'm a sucker for a voice and a piano. It's mostly classical or piano pieces that stop me in my tracks, though there are a few that just plain give me chills, but it's been a while since I heard a song I didn't already know that did it to me.
Gorecki's Symphony No. 3 Some posts around here recently have reminded me of this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWU4olKvOOo