Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that john mccain is getting a free pass on all the dirt from his past? -Cheated on his first wife with cindy and dumped first wife because she wasnt the swimsuit model that he left when he went to war. (Both of her legs were shattered in a car accident.) -Fired employee who discovered cindy was stealing prescription meds from her nonprofit organization. Oh, and about cindy mccain, this is the lady who insists on being called an only child and refuses to acknowledge her two half sisters. (If I had my father cut my siblings out of a $100 million dollar empire, I wouldnt acknowledge their existence either. Excuse me, only one was cut out, the other received 10 grand.) For a party that likes to hit people over the head with its "family values" these things strike me as very ironic and troublesome. Particularly because Im black. One thing that I do take pride in regarding my race is our acceptance and love of all family members. In my family we dont refer to anybody as "half" this or that. There is just family. Peroid! Hell, some family members Im not even related to. They are friends who became family through years of love and bonding. (Oh...the question) So what do you think of john mccain's treatment of his first wife and cindy mccain's treatment of her sisters? It matters...doesnt matter...or what you would expect from "abitious" people?
McCain is getting a pass on just about everything. He spent years cozying up to reporters, and now that investment is paying dividends for him. Shit, the head of the AP's Washington bureau, Ron Fournier, who has gone out of his way to attack the Obama campaign in opinion pieces, was actually being considered for the top media position in the McCain campaign last year. Considering the fact that Republicans have been claiming to have a monopoly on "family values" and "morality" for decades now, these issues should be front and center. Can you even imagine what the press would have done to Michelle Obama is she had a serious drug problem and resorted to stealing them from a charity she worked for? :roll: We would NEVER hear the end of it.
Hey Jelly... For someone who always says white people can't judge black people because they don't have the same experiences, you sure do judge John Mccain on just about everything. How about you go get shot down, be dragged to a POW camp, humiliated, taped, tortured, malnourished, hung for hours at a time by your wrists, and exploited for political gain......for 5 years. And how about you come back and resume your daily activity with your family and wife, and act like nothing has happened since then. This is not EXCUSING what Mccain did to his first wife, but you look at it in terms of Mccain being a bad person, or having "low moral values." Fact of the matter, is you can't judge A DAMN THING because you don't know what he's been through.
It's a little something we like to call a "double standard". Also when they have another candidate whom they have the damnedest time trying to dig up dirt on, and the only dirt they could find was a card they already played during the primary which was the whole Jeremiah Wright fiasco, certain people are "entitled" to get a free pass since they were one of the "few" american soldiers who weren't shitted on by their government like so many veterans were and still are. I guess in the end, we just have to know our place now don't we? :roll:
hm,,,so bill clinton shouldnt promote family values because he got a blow job from somebody other than his wife?.. The private lives of these men shouldnt really MATTER, what we should focus on is our respect and admiration FOR them, and how they personaly effect our lives. Mccain is an outstanding man with a surplus of political experinces, which is the the main plateau on which he should be judged on, and which is also the main reason you dont hear him making "gafs" during speeches. :roll:
What exactly did he do to his first wife??..Nothing has ever been specified regarding the reason of their divorce, but my guess is the relationship was shaky way before she was hospitalized. But the tabloids cant help but transform it into a fucking soap opera. He is a man, and he is a dog. But so is bill clinton, and barrack obama was also seen smooching white women on stage, making him a dog aswell.....but we shouldnt judge them on THAT. Only their presidential credentilals should matter
I agree on that one. This is something I like better about the typical(of course we're not all like that) German mentality about politics. We got homosexual politicians(like the mayor of our capitol Berlin or Guido Westerwelle) and it's not really a big thing. Let em do whatever they want in their spare time.As long as they do a good job as politicians it's fine. Sure not all things McCain did were great or stuff to be proud of but about the first wife I have understanding for that. Her legs were shattered and who knows what that did to her self confidence. So she may not have been the same person in and outside. Just staying with someone to create the image of a great person or because you have empathy won't help neither the person nor yourself. Sometimes love is not enough.Major changes destroy many relationships. McCain's isn't the first....
No one said clinton shouldnt promote family values. BUT the republican party is the one who always says THEY ARE the champions of family values. Thats why this is an issue. Mccain doesnt make gafs? :shock: As much as politicians like to control things and eliminate surprises...have you ever asked yourself why mccain gives town hall meetings instead of giving speeches? I think running around f*cking other women and proposing to another woman while you are married is what made their marriage shaky and is a pretty good reason for divorce. And it is a soap opera when a "national hero" trades in his wife for a younger model. And Obama never kissed some white woman on stage. :roll: And do you even know the story of mccain? Before carol, his first wife, went into the hospital she was a model. And mccain was a pow before the accident and no one told him that she was in an accident while he was a pow. So how could they have been on shaky ground before her hospitalization? :roll: And now we judge politicians based on creditials. So your gonna take mccain to task for running those the wack-*ss "celebrity" ads?
True, major changes do change a relationship, but as I said before, mccain f*cking other women is what killed their marriage. And now the truth! Appearance and attractiveness is the final straw and if your spouse's appearance changes for the worst, those are reasons to f*ck around on them? Then I have to also ask the question...if one spouse improves his or her appearance dramatically and the other one doesnt...then does the "improved" spouse have your blessing to f*ck around and be an *ss? (I wonder if you and BMJ would be as understanding if mccain's wife were not in a car accident and then decided to dump him because he was a crippled war vet with no teeth?) And your understanding for mccain is commendable. I hope you are as forgiving and understanding if your husband ever decides to trade you in for a younger, thinner, more attactive model.
You know I do not have as much knowledge about the background of McCain's first marriage neither do I really care what politicians do in their private lives. Cheating isn't cool,thats true.Cutting the bonds(separating) and then starting over with another person are nothing a person should be blamed for. That happens many times in the world.Also in the lives of "regular" people. The "throwing away something old to get something newer" attitude is widely spread. It starts with items,objects that were repaired in past so they could still be used and goes up to relationships and friendships.Why spend time and energy on repairing if you can have something/someone new in a minute is the attitude that majority of people have today.Thats why so many marriages break even though they're meant to be forever. Thats just how many people are.Not just McCain. If it happens to me then so it be.I can't change it anyway.Lol Still I think what politicians do in their privacy should not be the main reason to vote for or against them. To me personally their political goals,intentions and skills matter more. In those points I don't symphasize with McCain so I wouldnt vote for him but his private life doesnt influence me in that point.He could have a Mother Theresa syndrome in his private life and I would still not vote for him. Private life and business are 2 different shoes
He didnt cut the bonds and then separate. He formed a new bond AND THEN separated. And as Ive said before, its because republicans are always screaming they are the "family first" party and the party of moral values, which opens them up to such scrutiny and criticism. :smt017
Well being member of a "family 1st party" and then doing what he did doesnt make McCain look very credible.That's something to have an issue with or to judge him by. Not the fact that he did what he did but that after all that happened becoming a politician advertising family first.
And thats my point. The republican party's position on issues is just too self-righteous...especially considering all the skeletons in their closets. Did you know that sarah palin line-item vetoed funds that would have created housing for pregnant teens? I guess that kinda thing is hard for her to understand when her daughter lives in the governor's mansion.
Here's what the republican party asks of the american people: Do as we say, but not as we do. You absolutely must love your country whether it's right or wrong, and put it's needs before your family and your religion. You're not allowed to ever question what we do or what goes on in our personal lives or we'll call your own patriotism into question. Instead of saying "yes we can", you should be saying "USA, USA". Your love for your country must be the one and only love in your life. You have to be a fanatic about your love for your country!!! That's pretty much what it's like to be a republican. :wink:
Hypocrisy is the middle name of the GOP. The social conservatives can't take the heat when such moral failings are exposed to the public. The media makes it worse for covering up some of it.
Today is my first day, and hello . What I can't seem to get past, beyond his (McCain's - sp?) sexual shenanigans which are not pretty, is the fact that he's OLD. He doesn't look healthy at all, and in regards to body language, he seems shady. What we need to ask ourselves, beyond what goes on in his personal life, is are we ready to accept his running partner as Chief of Staff in the event of his demise? For me, not so much. Not totally decided yet, but I'm not impressed. With either McCain or Palin.
First, let me say welcome supergirlsurferchick. We already have a "superchic" here...who's been M.I.A. as of Im gonna call you surferchick. You're right. I used to like mccain, but the more i learn about him, the less i like him. (And firing the guy who caught his wife stealing the scripts...that's just wrong.) His running mate...besides her firing the guy who wouldnt fire her way too conservative for me. Not to mention the fact that this lady has just been flat-out lying about tons of stuff.