Comical is what 1 brother called it ..I 100 percent agree with him... contrary to what you believe blacks have been on the american continent since the continental divide... therefore we have been here for millions of years... when we sprouted out from africa.. after the real great flood... which I might add the bible plagiarize... we walked out from southern pangea ...known as south africa today...and encompassed every inch of the earth... as the continents continued to divide and grow further apart..our people became sea bearing people...your very first chinese were black... the first europeans wear black.... and your first australians were black , which the aborigines atest too. Back to latin america.... when we first got here by foot.. we were called the Rubber People..or Ta Maonchan..or what the Mexicans, Guatamalans, & Belizians call the OLMECS... these pure negroid beings developed during the same time as great ancient african civilizations...the olmecs maintained contact with the land of their origins... by way of sea travel..they where perhaps the greatest sailors the world would ever know... for proof please google search Izapa Stellae #5 ... decode the lower left corner of the stone.. you will clearly see...royalty sharing tobacco or cocaine.. you will see a boat depicted traveling across water... and you will see their destination which has pyramids.. which should be interpreted as sudan or egypt.. Ivan Van Sertima wrote his 19 seventy's classic " They came before Columbus" ... about this very subject..however his book falls short of a accurate time line in my opinion... he dates the olmecs to a time line which begins at about 3000 bc in america.. My point is.... when latinos get into this conversation about who and what they are... if the conversation has a true and honest tone ..based on facts.. they will clearly and concisely be able to admit .. that they are the offspring of negroid is the rest of the world. But let's face it... in america nobody wants to be black... you are considered to be on the losing team if you consider yourself black in the united states.. Brazilians...Cubans..Panamaniens..etc gladly proclaimed to the world that they are black... when in their home countries.. but as soon as they touch U.S. soil.... they run away from the idea of being black.. the dominicans in new york city have a tendency.. to buck that trend.. all the ones I asked when I was there... openly and proudly declared they were black. Basically...its way more to this subject ..than what has been discussed in this census review
Im in Los Angeles which is the second largest mexican population in the world... They pretty much hate us blacks here... and openly participate in the race wars agaisnt blacks.. Most of the latino hate on concentrated in the south west.... because that's where they have there largest populations. Cali...NV ..Utah..Colorado..Az..New Mexico...TXS....are all experiencing this hate from latinos.. Here in Cali.. seems to me they almost see us.. as being in their way... and my neighborhood of gardena... they break their necks just to be able to move into this nice neighborhood.. which might I add centrally located Too see more on the attitude which I'm speaking of from latinos... youtube search "Kat Williams Argues With Mexican Fan"... then tell me if you see the attitude which I'm speaking of.
You better start finding every ounce of non-black lineage in that blood of yours if you expect to get anywhere (near the top of the social hierarchy) in the U.S.A.
it's funny how nobody wants to be black... however if they know who we as blacks truly were... they would probably embrace it... you couldn't pay me to claim to be anything other than black... these white women on this thread are some of the smartest beings on earth... either consciously or unconsciously their dna code pushes them in the direction of the original man... and I aint never mad at that!
given the amount of forum-shootings that occurred here, im going to distance myself as far away from you black bastards as possible :smt095
Absolutely no good is going to come from. More motivation to leave and let the racists have this sinking ship they call a country.
Blacks are pretty much the only group in this country who aren't trying to assimilate into whiteness. You have some but fortunately not many. Not that we would be able to even if we wanted. Some of these immigrants though come here wanting to get as close to the white ideal as is socially (or genetically) possible. And one of the easiest ways to help do this is to hate on Black America. Even Africans do this. So an article like this does make me a little nervous. The Irish used to be on pretty friendly terms with blacks when they first got off the boat. But once they got themselves a slice of that "I'm WHITE" pie, they pretty much fucked blacks over anyway they could. Which is why you have so many racist Irish-Americans in this country today. You know as much as I read about race, racism, sociology, etc I still don't understand how so many (not all) people of European descent could cause so many problems around the world for so many other groups of people for CENTURIES and still do today, and yet still have this attitude where they act like every minority group did something to slight them. I don't know if this happens in Europe but it drives me nuts in the US.
About their African ancestry, surely. When it comes from dark skinned Hispanics, it's shameful. If you don't think they are White, what do you consider them? People from some Spain are European, their conflation with Hispanics is erroneous imo. Taken from the Negro playbook 101 and that old play doesn't work. If those same folks claimed to be Black, or even Black non Hispanic, whatever funding that would come in would not "empower" these folks as much as assimilating into White status would, nor would it usher in some Black Renascence. There is no power in numbers, if a good deal of people are apolitical, dependent, A group in this country either assimilates or has their own. Whites didn't want us mixing into society, so they enfranchised non Anglo/non protestant "Whites". Black people in turn created their own strong economic base, which is the real strategy for gaining influence over government policy. Post civil rights has put us in limbo.
That's a contradiction. Blackness in this country was defined in relation to Whiteness. Those who can not assimilate are "Black" by default. It's the difference between affirmed Blackness and assigned Blackness. Some Black folks will use either argument depending on the subject or the opponent, but they usually lack a body politic stronger than the "strength in numbers" the census. Hispanics and the like will use their minority status now to get what they need to assimilate. For whatever reason Blacks can't assimilate (I consider that many have economically, socially, and culturally) and if it's related to phenotype, making us a marked class, there has to be a strong position to take. Either try to integrate/assimilate or go to self segregation and create our own again. Sitting back and watching other groups move ahead of us after we've been here from the start is not my idea of progress.
also beyond funding from the census, is the notion of not having a mulatto class, or a group who will ostensibly be placed, or place themselves above Black people. Race strategy is like a game.