Hi everyone

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by Crystal, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. Crystal

    Crystal New Member

    Hello all,

    Just found this site, and it looks great.

    I'm delighted to see more cross-race/cross-culture dating and mating, gradually gaining wider acceptance over time. After all, we are more alike than different, in the ways that matter, si?

    cool. feels homey.

  2. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    Welcome. Nice 2 meet ya! How are things up in Canadia LOL. So have you been interested in black men for a long time or is this a recent thing?
  3. Crystal

    Crystal New Member

    Still coooooooolllldddddddd Brrrr! I gotta move to Hawaii or Bermuda or something.

    I think maybe it's an coincidental evolution thing...last guy I dated was Indian and then later became attracted to a guy who is now my best friend and is black.
  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Wow. Fifteen year old posts. They even predate my old ass! Lol

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