Hi all!

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by Jenmonster, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Jenmonster

    Jenmonster Active Member

    So I'm Jen, and it's probably worth noting that I'm Chinese, not white. I'm not sure if that's okay here; I tried finding a site that catered to asian women seeking black men, but that site doesn't exist, as far as I can tell! So here I am.

    If this really isn't the place for me I can keep looking, but I'm not really finding a community for me. Either way, hello out there! :smt010
  2. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    You're more than welcome here. :) The forum is really just a social area anyway, so feel free to join in the conversations already running (or start your own if you like).
  3. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You are welcome here
  5. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    You are most definitely welcome here. We're glad to have you!
  6. justmel

    justmel New Member

    Welcome Jen! Glad you are here!!!!
  7. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Hi Jen, welcome!
  8. Cornelius76

    Cornelius76 Well-Known Member

    Hi Jen, Where are you located?
  9. Jenmonster

    Jenmonster Active Member

    Wow, glad to find people be so welcoming! I live in Colorado, US, just outside Denver.

    I'll confess, also, that I've never actually dated a black guy; my parents are immigrants, and so my friend circles growing up were dominantly chinese in origin. I've dated a few asian guys, and while they were perfectly nice guys and there's nothing wrong with them, I've always found myself particularly attracted to black men, for whatever reason. I like dark skin, just for starters, and I'm actually pretty tall for a girl (I'm 5'8'') so a lot of asian guys are shorter than me. I mean, they're just preferences, I can't really explain how or why I like what I like.

    I'm out of the high school friend circle now, though, and I'm meeting a wider variety of people, so here I am sort of exploring my interests. Thanks to everyone!
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You are more than welcomed to bring yourself onto the forums! We welcome everybody and love everybody!

    And in this case...?????
  11. Jenmonster

    Jenmonster Active Member


    Well, after looking around for a while, I feel a little overwhelmed and a bit intimidated. I'm... not especially experienced, and these seem like forums for people who already know what they want and aren't afraid to say it.

    Also, all the girls in the Men's Lockeroom forum intimidate me, too. Not because they're pretty, but because they're pretty in a way that I'm not. I'm not really insecure about my looks (although most girls are to some degree), but I'm more petite, and not ultra-curvy or bottom heavy the way most of these girls are.

    That's something that I've always kind of been afraid of: I feel like I sort of don't fit the stereotypical figure that black men prefer.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  12. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    .... and that's one of the reasons I always have hated the mens and womens locker rooms.

    Don't worry about that Jen, I think you'll find that most guys here do not obsess over the images you'll find in those forums. You might want to prepare yourself for a lot of what you may consider stupid questions from some of the guys... mostly out of ignorance or unfamiliarity. I know I probably have a few.

    For example; When discussing dating Asian girls, 2 of my Chinese female friends basically flat out told me that Chinese girls generally aren't into black men... and that I should consider Japanese women instead.

    Granted, this is of course a generality; but as our newly appointed official liaison into the Asian community I'd like to know your thoughts on such an issue.

    PS: Welcome to the forums, you are definitely welcome here.
  13. TB1958

    TB1958 Active Member

    Welcome, Jen...no need to keep looking around, you found the right place and you are most welcome here! Cheers!
  14. Jenmonster

    Jenmonster Active Member

    Well the first conclusion to jump to would be racism, but I don't think that's usually right (of course sometimes it is, as all groups have some people who are sometimes racist).

    For me, the Chinese community I grew up with was very tightly knit. For example, my mother has lived for 30 years in the US now, and she has many "friends" at work who are not Chinese, but outside of work, she never spends time with these people; her real social circle outside of work consists of my dad (who is also Chinese), my sister and I (also Chinese, duh), and three friends who are all Chinese women.

    This is really common, and part of the reason for it is that Chinese culture is just so different from American culture that many immigrants just never really adapt and stay nestled within the Chinese community. I've been to China many times, and even for me the culture shock is pretty huge.

    So I'd say it's less racism and more just general xenophobia; most of my Chinese friends have formed a tight knit community that is kind of unwelcoming to outsiders of any kind, be they black or white or indian. Luckily for me my parents don't seem to mind the idea of me dating non-Chinese and non-Asian guys; they're okay with me exploring the outside world, they're just personally more comfortable staying inside the Chinese bubble (that's actually what we call it), and I think many girls, even younger ones like me, feel the same.
  15. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    Welcome Jen! I have enjoyed reading the little bit you have already shared with us about your Chinese culture. I see no reason you can't stick around and make new friends. :)

    You are very pretty, by the way.
  16. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I like how you explained the community part in the post above. :)

    Don't feel intimidated by the men's locker room pictures... go check out the stuff in the ladies room instead, much more fun ;). No one's perfect, we don't all want the kind of men we post on the forum but can appreciate the eye candy... most of the men are the same.

    Welcome to the forum!
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You'll have to remember that we're not a collective, monolithic bunch. We have varied tastes in size, music, etc.... Strolling into the forums more, you'll see that many of us have experienced women of all different ethnicities, and women have experienced men of all different ethnicities. Be mindful that none of us on here are out to scare away anyone from the forums.

    Looking at your photo, you're a very beautiful and quite a lovely woman and we encourage you to participate more on the forums. And we don't mean simply posting pictures, but also contribute to us, your wealth of knowledge about the current events, belief systems, etc...and it would be nice to see you do this. :)

    If you want some guidance, we'll be more than happy to provide you the necessary places to start to allow us to get better acquainted with you.

  18. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Horrible advice, 99.9% of the photos are photoshopped with over exaggerated beach ready abs, hulk like arms, and dinosaur sized dicks. :smt019
  19. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    Same could be said for the men's room, with all the photoshopped pictures there! :smt018

    dinosaur sized dicks... *laughs*
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site Jen. A lot of brothers love a Asian woman who is tall.

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