I'm an American living in France, dating a Cameroonian. Mostly lurking right now, but I'm loving the vibe here! Don't really know what else to say, I'm a forum newbie . Um, my main interests are dancing, making quesadillas, and reading. I guess that's all for now!
Welcome:smt006 Either that's just random, or you really, really like quesadillas to list them as a main interest lol
Well, sadly, in about 6 weeks I'm moving back to the US, so ill be right there with ya! I don't know anything about you, but if you're under 30, have a college degree and are interested in education, then you could come over and teach french kids english! I did it for two years and it was the best thing to ever happen to me and my french lol. The pay is shit, but you work 12 hours a week and get mad paid vacation. It just sucks when you have to leave! Btw, awesome sig, I love Paris, je t'aime! The last one with the american lady makes me laugh so hard everytime cause that was so me when I first got here. HORRIFIC accent lol.
Oh no! Where in the US are you moving? I am all three of those things- under 30, with a college degree and into education- but I also have a house and two dogs to deal with. lol I wish I could. I'm waiting on dual citizenship stuff to go through so that I could move overseas when I'm ready and live. Keeping my fingers crossed! I could really use some French immersion....it's been YEARS since I've really used my French and it's pretty rusty and sad. Very, very sad. LOL BTW, where in France are you right now?
Moving back to PA where I'm originally from. Blah. Probably won't stay for long though, I have the travel disease pretty bad. Good luck on getting dual citizenship, that would make things sooooo much easier! I'm jealous lol. I've been living in Lille, which is in the north. Most French people make fun of it, but its an awesome city and the people are insanely friendly .
I have wanderlust as well. I totally understand. Fortunately, I travel for work each year so it has been somewhat tempered. lol PA! We will be neighbors...I'm in Buffalo.
Welcome to the forums! And remember, when you see a French man smelling like pancakes, it means they've been chasing after women near President Sarkozy's office.
Whoops, I was in Paris this weekend and didn't have a chance to check the forums. MrFantastic, I'm a little shy to reveal my specific location, but I'm from the boring central part, or Pennsyltuckey as my mom calls it. Appiah, he is not coming back with me :smt089 It's kind of funny, he's very much into American culture, with music, sports, and fashion, but doesn't seem very interested in actually living there. He's also working on finishing his masters in France. The "plan" is for me to come back to France but I don't know how realistic that is. Neither of us know where in the world we want to end up and unfortunately I see some serious long distance relationship stuff in my future. Blah lol