"He's with a white woman, he's fair game"

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Intriguedone, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    I know black men and white women that swore up and down they would never date/marry a white/black partner and in a couple of years they where married to the very partner they swore they would not.

    I know White women that actually don't preffer black men but is married to one. How and why? Because they feel in love with their character and personality.

    For me it is all a big cloudy mess.

    I had guys tell me that a certain girl doesn't like black people but I became friends with her and after sometime a relationship "could have" started but I don't want to deal with the father and his rules.

  2. JD

    JD New Member

    I agree with you on this point. I have always found that I'm in more "demand" when I already a have a girlfriend.
  3. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :D Thank you for the compliment Lipstick....Now when does your class begin?
    I'm very interested in vanilla, so can you show us that infamous backside? I think we need to corroborate the evidence!

    I'm really not acustomed to approaching females...my ego just won't let me. I feel I do pretty damn well without putting in too much work. However, I have asked a few ww for their phone #'s and I seem to always get the "I have a boyfriend" line and a forced (methinks) smile.

    I dunno if it's the women I approach or what. I usually zero in on the "don't-look-like-they-date-a-black-guy" ww, sorry for the genaralization. I can't seem to find MY "lipstik".
  4. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    With an ample backside, the brothas who DO love vanilla will take notice!
  5. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Lovely topic, everyone is just so hilarious.

    I am laughing out loud, with this thread, but things are usually funny, when you can relate to what's being said. And I can relate to it all. I know for a fact that WW are more attracted to a BM that is hanging out with a WW. In fact, I use it to my advantage, and when I'm out with my WW friends, I most certainly pick up on other WW. But when I'm by myself, it is just a bit more difficult, but not impossible. You just need to pay better attention to the signs, I'm a lot older than most of you, so I'm pretty experienced on the signs women give out to men they are interested in. Playing with their hair, exteneded eye contact of course, a double take, body language that leans towards you, instead of away from you, and subtle flirtatious remarks, all go towards you're golden in their eyesights. It's not a 100% though, because once I was getting mad signals, all of the one's I just mentioned, so I approached her with much smooth, and classy charm, and promptly got shot down. I was dumbfounded, and after some thought, I realized that there are some women out there that only want to be a tease, and, or see if they can attract you, never having a real intention to get with you. Some women just need the attention. But that's not the norm, so go for it, a closed mouth does not get fed, and we are all hungry for WW.
  6. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Yes, but why limit it to only to ww with bm? All women are fair "game" and may the best man win. So if you see a ww with a wm and she is flirty she is fair game to you imho.
  7. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Well, I personally am only attracted to ww.

    And as far as a ww being fair game, I don't like to be a homewrecker, or third wheel. If she's flirting, I'm not interested if she has a guy.
  8. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    I personally love all women and it's my nature to treat all women objectively. However, as much as I don't want to admit, I feel a sense of "inclusion" when I see a ww with a bm. I see her as open-minded and perhaps she rejects societies stigmas regarding bm and views bm in a more positive light. I find that "ideal" very appealing.
  9. beauty

    beauty New Member

    maybe its' because you may perfer all women and not according to race. those that do, give off that vibe and many whitewomen that perfer blackmen may pick that up subconsciously. i may be wrong for saying this but alot of ww, not all but alot love it when the blackman does not like blackwomen. i had a white woman tell me that i have it made being and looking mixed and that blackmen sees blackwomen as dirt and unworthy. i told her that she was a sad misguided idiot. she was bascially one of those typical whitewomen that like blackmen but detest blackwomen. this is not against whitewomen but this broad clearly give whitewomen a bad name, for the most part; everyone everywhere gives their culture a bad name.

    often times one can give of certain vibes and not know it. contrary to what we may think on this matter, but like or believe it or not more blackmen perfer blackwomen and vice versa than we think.

    just thought about this, maybe whenever you are with a blackwoman or other non white, they don't approach because they may believe that you are not into whitewomen. for some reason, if a blackperson is with another blackperson or other non white, it is assumed that that is the only perference and whites are not included. just my guess..

  10. beauty

    beauty New Member

    not for me at all...what may be a blessing for her could be a curse for me....so knowing this why want what someone else have? it is better to have your own treasure....rather than someone else's trash. IF YOU'RE TAKING SOMETHING...YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANYTHING.
  11. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    beauty - I agree with your post. But I need to ask, are you a ww or a bw? For some reason I was under the impression you are a bw. Knowing gives context to your posts... :)
  12. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    ^^^Ditto-----But i doubt the waitress was FLIRTING with you home boy,,,,im sure she just wanted a good tip......and i dont mean a tip of a tongue.

    But its true- Dating white often opens doors to the white world of dating. Not only will you make friends with her sexie freinds, but her parents may also like you. And If youre TRULY a good guy, they will treat you like a son, and pay part of your student loans :D
  13. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    :lol: It's true, I heard dog the bounty hunter say the exact same thing once.
  14. Shadowmancer

    Shadowmancer New Member

    In my experience, the white women that usually harbor these feeling do so in backlash for having to put up with dirty looks and negative comments they've received from black women for dating black men.
  15. DancinReppin

    DancinReppin Guest

    i do the same thing when i c a blk man with a white woman--i smile at him or look at him more cuz it lets us kno that u like us and not only stickin to ur race,.
  16. DancinReppin

    DancinReppin Guest

  17. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    8) Thank you DR. I got that feeling, but I didn't know if it was a universal feeling or not. I just wish ww would feel comfortable regardless of who you're with. Oftentimes I'm with a group of all black folks, but I'm still very interested and looking for an opportunity to mingle with a ww.
  18. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    interesting topic intrigue- as for going for someone else's man-never-out of the question. It may make a ww a little more friendly though- as she would know you were cool with ww. I had an interesting experience similar to this last weekend! A guy I had been talking with for a while came to visit me and we were out with several of my friends. At one point, I came out of the restroom and a guy came up to me and started talking and said that my friend on the end of the table was cute, but it was me that he wanted! He said "is that your man"? I told him that was my man, and he said "I would love to go out with you!" . He had a piece of paper in his hand and said here is my number,please call me- and I said -"I guess you didn't hear me-that is my man". and he said -couldn't we be friends? He said I really , really, like you! I said okay and he gave me the paper! I found this interesting-as I don't frequent clubs-but every once in a while i do go out with friends and am NEVER approached by a black male!I am normally too shy to approach a bm myself-but in the future if I see a bm i want to talk to-i just might go for it!!
  19. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    It's interesting that you say that Shy, I think I share that juxstaposition with you.

    Did you ever call him? Was you "man" white or black if I may ask?

    Often, it's the same with bm. If we see you with bm's or other black people, we're more likely to approach, hence my question.

    Often I see ww in grocery stores, malls, etc. that I'd love to approach, but I can't tell if they're open to it or not. The few times I have, I've gotten the "fake" smile and nod, the courteous blow-off if you will. So you tend to grow apprehensive.
  20. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    My man is black and so was the guy who gave me his number. No I did not call the guy-he seemed way too young for me and not really my type. But yes I guess that it goes both ways for us! Maybe you need to hang out with some ww that are friends of yours and see what happens! All of my friends that were there were white except my guy, and my friends don't really date bm- so maybe I am not giving good signals when I am out with my friends-that I am open to that.

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