. . . for the Tea Party. Oh yeah, he's black. "Tea party supporters voting in a straw poll at a national summit favor conservative Texas Rep. Ron Paul and Georgia radio host Herman Cain for president in 2012. Cain won 22 percent support from the audience in Phoenix at the summit organized by the Tea Party Patriots. He was followed by Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Paul among those casting ballots in person." Click below to read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/02/27/herman-cain-emerges-tea-p_n_828876.html#comments If this is true, this "brother" must be a "self-hater". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZDkacOveF0&feature=player_embedded#at=972 [YOUTUBE]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9ZDkacOveF0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/YOUTUBE]
I'll give him credit that he's determine to play the TEA Party savior. But, he lacks any real political experience outside of running for a position in Senate back in 2006. They need their chocolate outsider for the dirty call. But, coffee will prove to be too hot for him to handle.
I think the bigger reason for this is for the Republicans/Tea Party to prove that they aren't the party of conservatism/racism. It's a way they think they will even it out with the Democrats and Obama. If a white person had won it, no one would really care or give the Tea Party a second thought. Let him run, it will wear down these people a few months from now and during the campaigning period.
I've read conservative blogs saying liberals are shaking in their boots over this man . . . why? Blacks learned long ago not to vote for every person with a black face especially a republican. As Charles Lollar learn when he ran for congress in Maryland last November for the Tea Party. And lost BIG TIME, why? Because he ran in a district that was all black. The only other 2 black republicans (Tom Scott of South Carolina and Allen West of Florida) who won ran in a majority white republican districts. Neither congressmen went to any black community to campaign http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5jb3Ov7SUM&feature=player_embedded#at=29 [YOUTUBE]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/E5jb3Ov7SUM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/YOUTUBE] I would LOVE to see Herman Cain campaign in the black community either in the primary or general election (ha, ha) to get votes. Though to be fair, Obama didn't do a lot of campaigning with the brothers and sisters either, but he wasn't a republican.
Alan Keyes problem like the black republicans mention earlier in this post they did not campaign in "key" black districts.
This deserves "Post of the Day" Award! They can't win over black votes if they are Black GOP political men and women. This is pretty much true. The only person who actually broke that was J.C. Watts, who gained a good number of blacks in his district to win.
Herman Cain: "Identify Whole Programs To Cut" http://realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/03/01/herman_cain_identify_whole_programs_to_cut.html :smt042
Funny to me when black folks crow about State's Rights, wasn't that the Southern battlecry AGAINST federal mandated integration and voting rights for blacks? Negroes either don't know their history or cooning for white males or both NOT WINNING
Homeboy can't get elected in statewide office or national office. He was strange to begin with although his Godfather's Pizza was the bomb.
The real issue is that he'll basically get the streamline conservative vote, but for the most part...the Republican Party is mainly comprised of racists. So if they had to choose between "Mr. Black President With Funny Name" or "Funny Black Man Spinning into Butter", they'd rather: 1. Commit suicide 2. Travel to Canada 3. Vote third party 4. Sit at home and cry In other words, he.will.lose!