Here's what I told this to my friends. (What do you think?)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by NCBradin, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    That question I’ve wanted to ask you long time to comes. It’s something that I didn’t expected to ask you of this. As of late, I noticed that you’re having a trouble to understand my writing here on the forum, I thought that my writing was excellent as I’ve been told, because none of deaf people share that gift that I have.

    Sister Bonnie who happens to be catholic nun, we were working together to studying for me to accept that religion of mine, I wrote that letter to people that I know in my life. Sister Bonnie took my letter and take her time to reading this letter before being sending, she was under impressed that my writing is nothing that compares to deaf people who are struggling to master that English language of theirs.

    Not that I collect to master this English writing skills, but I don’t understand why you’re having a trouble with my writing here on the forum. To me, you would be able to understand my good writing, but had I been wrong.

    You see, I have a beautiful gift from within. It has been slept for years without my acknowledge, I had no idea that I have that gift to writes to inspires to one another. Despite of being deaf, I has to approaching that question to better understanding; What is deaf? Why are we being like this? Should we be able to skill ourselves like hearing people does?

    I thought to myself; “Why can’t we live among our hearing people who has a amazing gift to inspires to one another? Why are we here? What of our purpose here on the earth in the universe? What challenge that awaits us in the ahead of our lives? Can we do it like hearing people do?”

    My, my, my, I was unable to comprehends the true truth about being deaf and all. You see, I’m very good at reading books to understand each words that beams into my brain, maybe that was my gift that has been slept for years? There are so many questions that I want to answer them all at once.

    But former teacher of mine told me that I wasn’t allowed to reading 8th grade book, she said that it would be harder for me and my classmates to reads, you know what? I find it bullshit! Who says that we can’t read grade level of our own? I wanted to learn so many new words, they never did to teach us this new words from each days.

    Like “comprehend”! I didn’t understand that word until now, I felt like I’ve been missing out on those each words. I felt like it’s unfair for me to know each words of them from the each books of the grade level of its each own. That leads me to wondering; do hearing people fears of deaf people who can do anything like them?

    I admit that this is my second language, but still, I convinced myself that I was doing well with my English writing as you understood them from time to time. Answer my question: What’s wrong with my English writing?

    I need your help to overcome this! I want to master my English writing, so you can understand them better. Forgive me for writing like this, because I needs to know what went wrong with my writing, that’s all.

    We need to discuss about this. It would be good thing to approaching that question; “What is deaf?”

    I didn’t meant to insult the deaf culture, but I want to know why are we here on the earth while our hearing is close on the door, where we’re unable to open the door to hearing the sounds like this again. To be honest with you, I want to open that door to hearing the sounds again before my time is up here on the earth.

    I want to hear audio books, hear each words to understand myself, trusts myself that I can do it. To improves my English skills.

    Since it’s beyond my comperhensive; will you answer that questions?
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I hope the people around you accept you the way you are.
  3. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Before I had a course about deaf sign language and deaf culture, it was very hard for me to know what that means. And I think it is still hard, because I am not deaf myself.
    I cannot tell u what is wrong with ur english, because english is not my first language as well.

    But maybe I can tell some things from a movie I saw on the topic, wich I think maybe can explain the trouble u are having.

    Sign language is a normal language and has his own rules and it is a real language with the skill to have a normal comunication. U just comunicate in other ways. It is not a word to word thing. The hole body is speaking. Sure u have signs and all that for things, but there is also facial expression.
    Written language is based on the spoken language where u have not so much expierence. in the spoken language u can understand the words, even when u don´t look into the speakers face and the written signs are just the singel vowles and consonants putten into a skript.

    I have some idea of how hard it is sometimes to put some things, i know to tell in German without even thinking about it, but in English I realy have a hard time and yes I see people are getting me wrong.

    The task u are having is even harder, because u go from deaf language to the written english.
    This are two very diffrent ways and I think doing there the translation is just hard because there are things wich are realy hard to explain in Deaf Language.

    The problem is just, that those two languages have totaly diffrent grammers and it is hard to learn the new one.

    When u see that the people in the forum understood something wrong, try to ask them. I think most of the people will understand and try to help.
  4. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member


    At first, my dear, there is nothing to forgive. It´s not your fault. But it is easier to handle and to react for your communication partner, when they know.

    My self, I also have to see sometimes that people misunderstand me.. If you sit in front of somebody, they can see your mood,your face,your reaction, communication is much easier this way. ( for sure I know, you cannot really compare)

    And, just go on.. You are a creative person, you have a lot to share..I cannot imagine that the people here in the forum are not polite,understanding, tolerant or intelligent enough to support you..

    MsHURRICANE New Member

    Dont worry! be Happy!

    hey NCBradin

    I can understand what u are saying &what you want to say but the point is can you realize all those questions you have before u ask them coz as soon as you do you will be able to recognize the answers for if u got the question nobody but you got the the answer.
    I know that life is not always honey (who told you its going to be easy) but I bealive that you are a strong person coz if God has made you different He gave you enough strengh to understand that different doesnt mean worse so there are only two ways of handling it: either you accept yourself with that distinguishing feature of yours&get stronger than ever to see that you are beautiful the way you are thus making others accept you as a beautiful, strong &different(its a compliment every1 is different but they just should learn to be different without its negative meaning) individual or nobody will never know that you are beautiful coz the energy of diffidence&weakness will be all for them to see,
    so why dont you open your beatiful eyes&take a beautiful look at your beautiful uniqueness &feel your beautiful world &let others feel it.:yawinkle:

    your english is :smt023&everybody does understand it

    Smile! Life is beautiful &its beauty starts with Youself :p

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