Here's my question: Why do people decides to takes their own lives?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by NCBradin, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Hey I never said that but its just as rude to tell me I'm wrong with no supporting data other than you think I'm wrong. And without going into detail I'm pretty aware of what depression is to me and what leads to suicide and it just seems like a shitload of bad decisions. Its ultimately a choice and I guess my own limited perspective makes it incredibly difficult to see it as such. Its not cancer its not aids its not MS, its dimentia, your body or mind hasn't turned on you. It might be a slight chemical imbalance but its incredibly managable.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  4. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    You obviously didn't click on any of those links, because in the very first one, at the bottom, you have this quote

    "Interventions are usually required for one to overcome clinical depression. These can involve the use of ***********009900]***********009900 ! important]***********009900 ! important]psychotherapy[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], prescription antidepressants and other strategies aimed at solving the problem. Those who do not seek treatment for this condition may find the problem literally fatal in the long run."

    Just read it. Don't trust my links? Then google your own. But it's a lot better to at least research things, in my opinion, than just making decisions on one's own based on no scientific data and just a bunch of circumstance. I like to research stuff :D And while, obviously, not everything on the internet is going to be right, if I notice common threads then it's a good guess that those might be correct.

    But really, I don't -need- the internet to tell me clinical depression is different than being depressed over outside situations. I've seen both, and I can see a huge difference. When you're depressed over something in your life it's a lot easier to say "fuck it, I'm just gonna keep on keepin' on". When it's your head being fucked up with imbalances and shit it's nearly impossible to make that same idea make sense in your mind. It's even worse because, unlike when something is actually wrong and you know why your sad, with imbalances and shit you get to be sad and feel even worse because there's no reason for you to be sad. You just are, and you can't fix it.

    Neither side is desirable. They're also not the same, either.
  5. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Yes there are. I've never seen so many professionals all together. And some of them know something about social/medical sciences.
  6. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I like the diversity of our professionals. I mostly just see film or tv professionals offline. lol But that's cause I go to art school.
  7. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Lol, I should say that I go to ART work myself.... my patients are VERY artistical, LMAO. The way they invent new problems every day just amazes me!
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I guess for me its hard to differentiate because growing up my mom was a pysch nurse and part of my senior year I had to intern at her hospital and its very well respected pyschiatric hospital, I think the oldest in the stae if not the country and a lot of the people that were diagnosed with depression just seemed like spoiled people who didn't have the tools to cope with disappointment. Granted this is my own limited perspective of what people are going through but I guess growing up in a suburban area where the first thing people want to do is medicate you its hard to tell who's truly depressed from who's not. I always thought it was part of the human condition to be sad but depression seems like pyschological disorder brought on by a chemical imbalance and seems like so many people are suffering from it that it makes you wonder if that's just what all people deal with in life.
    But I sincerely apologize if I hurt anyone, I didn't mean to marginalize anyones experiences its just hard to grasp I guess.
  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    There so many forms of depression
    1. Major depressive disorder (MDD)- which is a really bad disease that requires antidepressant, cognitive behavioral therapy which is a form of psychotherapy
    2. Dysthamia-which is a mild depression
    3. Seasonal affect disorder-which is due to season changes, mostly during winter seasons
    4. Baby Blues
    5. Post partum depression
    6. Type II bipolar disorder-characterized by one or more major depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode.
    7.Situational-happens when breaking up with siginficant other or loss of finances. Kind of almost like adjustment disorder. Very bengin.

    In any event, MDD is the most severe of it all. And trust me depression is not for pussies, it is due to chemical imbalance that is why you have depression drugs such as SSRI, SNRI, TCA-targeting specific receptors in brain. Depression is like a cancer, the only difference is for most part depression episode is triggered by enviromental factor, meaning a person who has a genetic predispostion for this condition has to have an enviromental insult to him to start the cascade. i.e two individuals break up with their girl friend, one has a depression genetic marker and the other dont. The one without depression condition will be able to deal with the break up a lot better and recover faster but the one who has genetic predispostion to depression will have a tough time dealing with it and if he does not have the right financial and family resources might be walking the Suicide road.

    It is a very complex topic, but do not label ppl pussies with out walking in their shoes. I know folks who told me that they would like to take themselves out but they are afraid to do it, so in sense you can say the one who is effing themselves can be labeled very courageous, coz they had enough guts to end their never ending misery.

    anyways, I am out.
  10. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    That was a very interesting post. I never heard about genetical predisposition for depression but I guess since it's an affection disturb (i don't know if u call it like that in english) as others psychiatric deceases, it makes sense.
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Unique. I appreciate you. I'm definitely stronger since I have a better understanding about what's been happening to me. I still fight with depression & I always will since it's mostly due to a chemical imbalance. In the past I tried meds, but the side-effects kicked my ass. While the meds helped the depression, they also caused a huge increase in seizures (I was at one time classified as epileptic, but the seizures mysteriously stopped 7 years ago). Things that help me are prayer, reading the Bible & exercise.

    It doesn't help matters when people who have no idea what it's like to be severely depressed or suicidal think they can tell someone who has what it's really about. If you haven't been in my shoes, don't think you can tell me how I'm supposed to be walking in 'em. This is one of those subjects that can only be explained from a place of experience or education. Other input has the potential to do more harm than good. I've had well meaning people over the years make the situation much worse (e.g. 'cheer up', 'stop feeling sorry for yourself', 'you need to work on your self-esteem', 'it's not that bad', 'what's wrong with you?', etc.). People need love & support; not criticism & judgement.
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Tam-I am sorry you have to struggle with this life sucking disease. Keep positive ppl around you and be around prayer soldiers. Will say a prayer for you.

    BTW which drug did trigger seizure on you? was it Wellbutrin/Bupropion or another drug?
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks Andrae. I know you weren't trying to hurt anyone; it is hard to grasp if you haven't had to deal with it. Be thankful you don't have to deal with it, because you are definitely blessed. :)

    Great info U1! Depression is definitely not for pussies! The more educated folks are on depression, the better they'd be able to deal with it (for themselves & others in their live who have it). Another thing people don't realize is that many addictions stem from depression as well, and most of us know how a lot of addicts end up. Too often the lack of understanding & help leads to too many lives lost. So much more can be done for those suffering.
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks U1! I'm handling it better since I learned that I wasn't just some insane, abnormal weirdo. I was convinced for years that I was nuts. God keeps me grounded & sane. I'm holding on to Him & He keeps me strong. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 NKJV

    I have tried so many of the anti-depressants on the market & had the same reaction. I've opted not to try some of the newer drugs because they warn against anyone with a seizure history using them & I'm afraid to try 'em.
  15. Mighty Quinn

    Mighty Quinn New Member

  16. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU Persephone !!!! That`s exactly what I was trying to say. It`s a big difference between feeling depressed because you lost your job or someone dumped you etc. OR if you are suffering from depression due to a chemical imbalance in your brain that you can also inherit btw.
    I lost my grandfather because he was suffering from depression. After my grandmother died he wasnt strong enough to deal with it anymore on his own and decided to take his life.
    I get PISSED if someone who just read or heard about it is trying to tell me what depression means and how easy it is to cure.

    @Tamstrong, stay STRONG. I know exactly what you feel and going through!
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I will Unique; you too! Thank you! :)
  18. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    All my prayers and hopes for the best for you & yours, Luv..

  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

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