Never said these women should get a pass. Their should be consequences. But, those consequences should reflect the damage done. Seriously, a 16 year old is having sex with girls his age and he's perfectly fine. But, the minute he has sex with a female over the age of 18 he's traumatized? Mentally scarred and will require years of therapy to get over it? I'm not buying it.
Look, in many states it's legal for an adult, age 21 or older, to have sex or MARRY a 16 or 17 year old. In several of these school related sex abuse cases, the victims are of legal age, but the teachers are still prosecuted because a teacher engaging in a sexual relationship with a student is a violation of their employment contract. Of course there's the potential for emotional psychological damage for a teen boy to be sexually involved with an adult woman, simply because of the fact she could be manipulating his emotions. But guess what? The same thing can happen when a teen boy gets sexually involved with a female his own age. I agree with Samson as do most men, boys are just wired up differently when it comes to sex. I could write pages about guys I knew as a teen who were 'dating' women 5-20 years older and they just handled their business. When it was over, it was over and they kept it moving. They weren't in therapy for years or prescribed antidepressants to get over the pain and hurt of being 'abused' by an older woman. Personally, I was thinking about how I could have sex with ANY legal aged female as a 9-10 year old and I know I wasn't the only one.
Do you have any studies to back up that "most males will process this differently than a girl of that same age"? Also, do you have any studies informing us that "it's not hurting him mentally or physically"? I would also like to add that just because a minor is horny and wants to have sex, it is the adult's responsibility to say no. Giving women lesser sentencing than men (which already happens) doesn't enforce any kind of law or standard. I get it, you had your opinions based in your teenage mind that haven't changed since you were a teenager. And I understand that you feel that some minors "want it" and "pursue it". That, I suppose, is the recklessness of youth. But, implying that the laws should change because you wanted to get laid in your teens doesn't mean we should be lenient on adults corrupting minors. Furthermore, requesting a "gender bias" within our legal system (hat technically already exists to some degree) is asking for trouble. This, "they process it differently" or "are more violent" or whatever excuse you want to use has been used to justify downplaying illegal acts against minors as well as many marginalized groups. But, I do understand that this is the way you feel and that you feel that male minors process it differently than female. I am in my mid 30s. Maybe you are much younger and have more of a grasp of how minors feel about such things. I can only go by the law and what I've read. But, if you have some studies to back up your claims, I am sure that many of us would like to know. I'd like to reiterate that there is no way that this isn't gross. Minors are minors for a reason. An adult authority figure having sex with a minor can affect the minor far into adulthood. Which is why such acts can be prosecuted decades later.
You don't have to buy it. There are reasons why there are differences between adults and children and ages of consent. There are also reasons there are sexual harassment laws against those in positions of authority.
A person in a position of authority is a huge factor and creates many more issues than just a few years difference between a minor teen and an age of majority teen.
This is crazy. A forced sexual relationship. Shortly after hs I had sex with a ww still in hs. After I told her I was done with her she lied and said she was underage and threatened to go to the police if I didn't keep having sex with her. Luckly I had the inside scoop and called her bluff. I wonder what my recourse would have been otherwise.
I’m sorry that you endured that situation. As a rape survivor, I’ve noticed a lot of women use coercion and manipulation to rape. Men seem to use violence. It can go either way, but it is the most common trend I see.
Can't imagine how it must feel for you. Only thing I can say is don't second guess yourself, it was obviously not your fault. Thinking about facing possible civilian and UCMJ charges would give pause to anyone who is sane.
Thanks, and I agree. It happened to me while on leave during my final tour in Iraq. I think it made me hyper aware of the predatory culture many black women exhibit within our community.