My mother fucked up the computer. Everything on the screen is HUGE. It's not the little Zoom feature down in the task bar or whatever it's called. She said she doesn't know what happened. I don't like it at all and I want it back to the way it was. I remember when I tried to check my e-mail it said something about resolution isn't at the minimum that Yahoo email requires. I've tried to restart the computer and that didn't do anything. Then I shut it down and that didn't do anything either. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and how to get it back to normal? Here's what it said when I checked my e-mail: There seems to be a screen resolution problem. Your screen resolution is set below our minimum recommendation. When it's set under 1024 x 768 pixels, the all-new Yahoo! Mail won't look as good. You can continue with your current settings, but you won't be able to enjoy the full effect.
HAha.. I thought I was the only one that had run across that problem. My cat has walked over the keyboard more than once and done that. Now I can fix it in a jiffy
FYI, You could use a "windows system restore tool " to restore your system to a date previous to this problem. please check this tutorial , it should help if it is on the platform level:
You mean a "mac daddy"? How would a mac daddy resolve all PC problems? :smt017 Ohhhhhhhhh, maybe if he was A+ certified that would help.