help..wonderful white women/parents

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    UM yeah even if you did not know how the word originated it's was quite clear you knew the word was insult towards someone who is white. So therefore you KNEW it was a racial slur.
  2. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    And black folks call themselves the n word it doesn't make any less a racial slur. I can find u many articles on these words. Those backward folks were not the lower class british, they WERE the scot Irish people. Alot of that culture that was considered backwards was THEIR culture. Most people today getting called that today our their descendants and bottom line is everyone knows hillibilly, white trash, and redneck or words to say insult lower class WHITES. And that speech you mention again your talking about the speech of the scot irish and that has been passed down today throughout the south but is strongest in places with the strongest roots, Appalachia mountains and the Rural south.
    You ever watch the history channel? They have had shows on this. Billy Ray Cryus is even a narrator in one of these shows.
  3. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    It *isn't* a racial insult. Period. Jeezis.
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I wouldnt exactly call anything on the History channel historically accurate. But - even if you were correct that the Scots-Irish were targeted with those terms, they'd have been targeted by OTHER WHITE FOLK. Which means the slur was ethnic, or class related, or religion based, not RACIAL.
  5. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Just b/c you not that familiar with history doesn't make any less fact. Regardless of who coined it it's still racist. That like saying if a Asian, native American, Hispanic, etc called u the n word it wouldn't be racist. What the freak ever.

    Not everyone is educated on every issue. And anyone trying to act like they don't know Hillbilly is an insult to WHITES not blacks, not Asians, etc has lost they damn mind. That is stupid as saying that when so and so said __ is ghetto they are not referring to lower class black or stereotypes associated with lower class blacks. And if you don't see the resources verifying what I"m saying then I suggest getting a friend that can read to help you out there b/c it's as plain as day. They don't list the word time and time again on racial slur sites b/c they don't think it's racist lol.

    LOL u mean certain characteristics associated with black stereotypes? Damn sure haven't heard no one white with trucker hats, missing teeth, blue jean overalls, etc being called ghetto.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    LMAO!!!! Is that supposed to impress or convince me? So Hill-Billy Ray Cyrus is an expert on the subject with his Ol' mullet hair wearing, wanna be country singer, Jethro lookin' ass?

    Give it a rest; you sound like a crazy woman. Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough?

  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  8. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Maybe you try to educate yourself on stuff you clearly know noting about.
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

  10. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Oh, Regina, I'm really sorry to tell you this but history is the ONE subject you do not want to take me on about. I've been a student of history for about 45 years, and I use primary sources, not secondary or tertiary sources. And I sure as hell dont use the History channel or websites for research.
  11. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I suggest taking a trip down to your local library and picking up some books on the Scottish. There is a long history of fights between the Scots and those who had control over England. I'm sure most of you have seen brave heart right. Come on now. They weren't catholic they were protestant. The English wouldn't even acknowledge their marriages for crying out loud. Scots and Irish were very much like being they were both Celts. Their difference their religion. The Irish became Catholics b/c of Roman man when Romans ruled England.

    In the 1700's yes they did start to make their way but most of them were still being oppressed. Most who own these large plantations were British. Again get you some books on these peoples history and then come back and try to tell me I'm wrong. I have read some, hell the book I'm reading right now is based on the 1600's and mentions the Scot Irish and Irish, and Scottish.
  12. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Clearly you don't know the history of the Scottish and Scot Irish our you wouldn't have made such stupid untrue remarks about them. Tell me what history books have you read on them?
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's not a racial slur you loon. Get a grip
  14. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

  15. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Wonder what you would think if things happend in reverse and some white folk done called you a racist slur and tried to claim it wasn't racist cause they were ignorant on the damn word how exactly you would react. I feel pretty confident it wouldn't be positive.
  16. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I *am* part Scots, and my mother is a genealogist. I'm quite well aware of Scots history. I'm a many-times great niece of Robert the Bruce.

    BTW Braveheart was so egregiously fucking WRONG historically I could barely sit through it. And no, the Irish did not become Catholic because of the Romans. St. Patrick was not active until the second part of the 5th C BCE, though much of what we know of him was from post-7th C hagiographies. Saint Ciaran Saighir was active in Ireland prior to Patrick, and was the first bishop of Ossary.

    Palladius was sent to Ireland in the wake of the Pelagian controversy, probably to ensure that what the church considered heresy did not spread to Ireland. Patrick was a Brit, captured and indentured in Ireland. Some hagiographers attempted to "blend" the two into one person.

  17. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Regardless of who termed the word if it's racist it's racist. If an Asian calls black person a n---er it don't freaking matter that Asians didn't come up with the word themselves. It's racist.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The insult isn't based on race you genius. God have mercy lol
  19. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Nothing worse than people who are filled with self hate. I think that's worse than hating people of other races. I mean seriously how can you be a race, look at yourself in the mirror and yet be so racist to others that look just like you do. How miserable it must be for you to hate the skin you live in.
  20. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    So point me in the direction you have called someone black a hillbilly?

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