Help needed.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by mama, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    It depends on where you are. I have a few friends in Australia. I think it's difficult in general to know whether or not a person is seriously interested in friendship. I have met women who wanted a friendship and secretly wanted to date. When they got to know me more they pushed very hard for a relationship. So, it kind of goes both ways. Back to the subject of Black Men, has she mentioned the population ratios between white women and men of aboriginal descent in her section of Australia?
  2. teddebear07

    teddebear07 Active Member

    why thank you ,aren't you just bliss .yes i can have good convo at times on certain subjects. like the tale of the anunnaki or how an earthquake will destroy california. but i'm taking about small talk ,i don't have anything witty to say.
    i don't know how to have fun talking about nothing .This is something the average joe can do ,but i can't . i'm use to being alone.
  3. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    Do you want fun or a relationship? Honestly, something I have never heard before is always interesting. You could sit down next to him, introduce yourself, and say you think he's cute. I recommend standing out, but not being outlandish.
  4. teddebear07

    teddebear07 Active Member

    1) What works is not WACK
    2) It's not an idea ,its a method .
    someone gave you a card before and you thought it was arrogant and tacky?
    my guess is ,you didn't like the guy in the first place.if it was someone you really liked you not only would be happy ,you would be grateful ,then
    would call him pleading for a date ,ok just kidding on that
    yes , this is the method used by guys on the hunt to get laid ,my friend would get calls sometimes a month after giving someone a card .
    But it doesn't have to be used that way .the way you talk to the person before you give them the card is what matters.

    On another subject , i think people seeking a serious relationship right away are ASKING for a lot of trouble. you should date till you FIND someone you connect with on a deeper level. That is the reasons you have all these beatings ,abuse, cheating ,killings in so called relationships .There are so many people in relationships that don't really like each other.but they wanted
    a serious relationship . just date , a serious relationship will come when it comes or when you've had the best cum ever !:smt005
  5. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    I don't know how to double quote or I would. ???

    You're not the only one to disagree that "it's wack". I guess if a guy seemed great, and was in a rush, and handed me a business card for his legitimate business... I would be totally into it. The person I encountered had a PERSONAL card with no rhyme or reason except to meet chicks. I think it's lazy and tacky. He wasn't my type, but handsome overall...the yuppie, thinks to much of himself, hands out 'fuck me' biz cards, and has a tan type. But I guess ya'll are right... it depends on the guy, situation, and the card. Mine was wack.

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