Hello my fellow IR lovers

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by blueskies, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. blueskies

    blueskies New Member

    I'm a black woman in an interracial relationship and I am also a member of an interracial website run by black women. I think you guys and gals can take a few pointers from us.

    The rules from the site:

    TST is a site dedicated to interracial (IR) fiction. Here you can read and write stories with IR themes. The stories on this site range from G to X in rating. The writers here indicate the genre or subject matter of the story being written. We have a story etiquette thread that we ask all writers and reviewers to read before posting. We also have a general discussion forum for members to get any and everything off their chest. Also, in the general discussion forum you can read the latest gossip or check out images of celebrity IR couples.

    Please Note: TST is a place that celebrates IR love and relationships, however we do not condone the bashing of black men. It's okay to vocalize your preference and share your opinions. We want members to express themselves freely and openly. We welcome different opinions and outlooks, but we do ask that you refrain from posting blanket derogatory statements about black men. TST is purely an IR message board but the culture of the board does not include making defaming comments about black men. It's unnecessary and isn't tolerated.

    Just thought I'd share:)
  2. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    None of us have any desire to visit or join your site. So do us a favor and get you trouble making ass out of here. No one outside of black men and white women should have no interest in this site. I already know that you're here to start trouble and we're not having that. Before I start saying anything offensive to you or about black women I would prefer you just leave.
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  4. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    This should be good. I'll check back in the morning. Hopefully, the thread won't get deleted or moved to quarantine before I do.
  5. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I don't understand the hostility toward blueskies. The fact that she's a black woman is not synonymous with 'troll'. I'm actually quite interested in visiting her forum. Is there some sort of competition between the BM/WW collective and the WM/BW collective that I was not made aware of? Or are we so defensive of our dating preference that any time an 'outsider' shows up here we must sound the alarms and go on the defensive? The highs and lows of interracial dating is not exclusive to WW/BM.

    Seems we have one fundamental interest in common... 'interracial attraction'. Why can we not be cordial?

    blueskies, if you don't mind maybe you could send me a 'rep' with the URL for your forum?
  6. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    blueskies, whilst i appreciate your input i must point out that this website is not based in fiction, but in fact. we do not write about interracial fiction....we base our conversations on personal experience. while i don't always agree with the aggression that is shown towards certain people, i will never discount their experiences and their reasons for their beliefs. funny thing i've come to recgonise is that so many people come here to school "us" on the wrongs and rights of our unions, but yet, you will not see us going to other websites to try and "learn them" on our ways. let people be and be happy in your own being i say...!!!
  7. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Why do you think that?
  8. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    The site is not visually impressive.... the community requires a sign up...why bother? There is a niche brand of romance novels for Black women that are based on relationships between BW/WM. Fiction or real, I don't care who Black women are with, I'm not checking for them in the first place.

    Trey's sole hostility doesn't count, remember "he loves being nigga".
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  9. Yonda08

    Yonda08 New Member

    It is OK for a sister to check out on what the Brother is up to. Just don't stick around too long siz, it may get nasty! Remember to report the huge progress made by big bro when you go back.
  10. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    That competition exists in everyday life.
    "When you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. He changes YOU..." - Joaquin Phoenix, "8mm"
  11. veema

    veema Member

    Trey, you really do need to speak for yourself and not everyone on the board.

    Blueskies, your statement
    comes across as arrogant, if not a wee bit self-righteous. Let's start from the beginning: Why do you think that us "guys and gals" could take a few pointers from you?
  12. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    For the entire 2 years I have been a member, I have quietly noticed this overly protective attitude………It is always immediate, vicious and personal……..What is disturbing is that even our brightest minded members, seem to take pride in the attack.
    I could understand the reaction, when some of these guest come on here presumptuous and denouncing, ……..but when they try to be diplomatic and peaceful in their curiouosity, It serves us well to reign-in the venom.
    As Blackmen and Whitewomen, we know what we like and what we want…..so who can take that away……why feel threatened. We intermingle and enjoy the closeness in an imaginary box, but must live outside that box in real life……Blackwomen and Whitemen, as undesirable as you find them, will continue to be in your life for the duration of your life……..the sensible approach is to let them come close enough to improve and master your understanding of how they think.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I haven't posted here ............til now. But when the first bw shows up without an agenda then I think people will let their guard down. Everyone's waiting for the first. :p
  14. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  15. Beloved

    Beloved New Member

    Response to Jaisee and Archman.

    Jaisee, Archman, how beautifully well said. You both made me smile. Intelligence,maturity, chivalry and diplomacy, all within the confines of an internet forum. Bravo gentlemen, you are much appreciated. :)
  16. blueskies

    blueskies New Member

    I'm guilty. I do have an agenda ladies and gentlemen. My agenda is for all of us to be the change we wish to see in the world, realize that an eye for an eye makes for a blind world, understand that an ounce of practicing is worth more than tons of preaching. That is my agenda, ladies and gentlemen.

    Has the fear, anger and divide become so prominent that we can not listen to one another?

    With that said, I have some errands to run really quick. If anyone is willing to let down their guards and engage in an adult exchange when I return (and I really do appreciate some of the intelligent responses), I will be more than happy to oblige.
  17. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    It seems that when WM come here, they hide their identity. When BW come here, they walk through the front door - and you guys give them ear. What happens when a WM attempts the same thing? Will you be so generous? Moreover, what would be the difference?
  18. veema

    veema Member

    For me, it is not who comes though the door but how and why they come here.

    From what I can gather, in her very first post here, Blueskies came to impart some of her or her website's wisdom on us. Before jumping to any conclusions, I would like to know why.
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    No, we had a chick (ex troll who was banned) act like she was a White girl, but her true identity came out.

    The trolls always act like they don't have an agenda, but without fail, it ALWAYS surfaces. Just give it time.

    We have a sista on the board and she's cool. She doesn't bother anyone.

    We also had an Indian guy who thought just cause his skin was dark, that he someone was a "Black" man who dates WW.

    We had a cuckhold dude who tried to come here in peace, but I personally felt is presence was creepy as fuck and he didn't belong here.

    I know we're an interesting topic to many, but coming here disrespecting people in their home (the board) is not allowed.
  20. Anten7

    Anten7 New Member

    It's not girleygirl by any chance?

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