hello from the heartland

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by betterthesecondtime, May 5, 2010.

  1. betterthesecondtime

    betterthesecondtime New Member

    Hi! have been a member of the forum for awhile, hidden in the background, loving your insights and perspectives......but divorce is now final,:smt038 and time for me to rediscover who I am, out loud - lol!

    "Dated" a BM online for 3 months - turned out he had some major control issues and things blew up last week - need someone prove to me all guys aren't the same..............
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    I'm not a man, but I have to say not all men are alike. You have your good guys and your assholes and some in between.

    For the sake of men, please don't project your ill feelings from the last guy onto to the next one.
  3. betterthesecondtime

    betterthesecondtime New Member

    Understood.......that's why I'm here..........seems there are some real gentlemen that can wipe out those bad memories.
  4. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    Hello! Welcome.
  5. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Majority of the guys here are indeed, nice, down-to-earth, respectful and intelligent men. They're a good bunch!

    Enjoy your stay....
  6. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    oh, i'm soooooo CO-SIGNING that ib...!!!

    welcome to the site btst...and as ib has mentioned, there are some phenomenal men on the board which i'm sure you've already discovered...!!!
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yo. Welcome.
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

  9. bonsaiiKITTEN

    bonsaiiKITTEN New Member

  10. betterthesecondtime

    betterthesecondtime New Member

    no worry - taken the right way - undoubtedly just what I need to hear!
  11. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    welcome and no we arent all the same but you have to choose wisely and not go with stereotypes or whats popular or what is shown in the media

    bon chance
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site. I hope you are able to find the brother you are looking for.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lose the generalizations and you'll be fine sweetheart. Welcome
  14. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Welcome!! Jump in and enjoy the ride. :-D
  15. betterthesecondtime

    betterthesecondtime New Member

    Thanks for all your sweet welcomes - I apologize if my initial post came across wrong. My comments weren't directed to BM as a generalization at all....just a bad taste in my mouth from my poor choices............I'm a huge fan of variety and would never want to be accused of categorization....or whatever the appropriate term is - :confused:
  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  17. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

  18. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Welcome and have a lot of fun!!
  19. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    Wilkommen, Luv.

    When yo say "Heartland" by tghe way, do ya mebbe mean Omaha, Nebraska?

    During my visits there...I can tell ya that the White Femme Fatales have, for the most part, SERIOUS adoration for the *darker* fellas...

    IF the job opportunities in my field had been available then....it would be a rather different story than it is to-day..wonderful storyb that it *is*..I most likely would *not* be living & working in England with My Beautiful Red by my side......

    If you know what I mean............................................

  20. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

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