Good afternoon, I am BigBrotherWise and I've come across this website by accident. I'm currently finishing my degree in Civil Engineering and also hope to achieve some goal on being someone wonderful. Why did I join this site? I'm a strong supporter for equality and beauty. Given that love and romance definitely touches me dearly, I'd like to join a group based on something most attractive: interracial romance. All like-minded people here are quite open minded and I'm looking forward for a well-rounded conversation. I do have a YouTube page, which is based on serious discussions. I'm looking forward to communicating with the lot of you.
Thank you Arwen! Thank you so much! I apologize for the lack of videos. The computer I have now is currently in it's seventh year of usage and it's on it's last leg. So, I'm ordering a new computer tomorrow so that I can resume my video making.
It's cool. I have like 4 videos myself, but I don't plan on making masses think about philosophy either
Hahaha, that won't be necessary. Just gawking at you would more than enough for the masses to feast their eyes on!
Thank you very much Bookworm616! I'm very happy to be here. And I hope to be part of this family soon!
Hey welcome and I hope to have a great conversation with you over these issues or ideas you may bring to the forum.
Thank you Reggienyx I'm deeply honored to be here. I'm pretty big on politics and I should I can deliver some insight on my personal viewpoints.
And To All else...(sorry for the shorthand reply) RE: BA, Flyingeek, Tarshibear, mama, curleyblonde, jayxobsession, Tamstrong, Soulthinker, and papoy Thank you everyone for the love! I'm truly grateful!:smt060:smt060:smt060