Hi there. I just discovered this fourm a couple of days ago and have been spending a lot of time here since. My screen name pretty much says who I am and where I am from. The city I now live in has long had a rep throught the midwest for being a place where there are a lot of people that either are in or have been in interracial relationships. I found this site by doing a Google search under "black men that love white women" and guess what was first on the list? Seems like a bunch of good people here.
If you were in Cedar Rapids and didn't see IR, maybe you weren't looking hard enough or haven't been here for a while. Quite a few people under 20 to 25 that are biracial. I am a sports fan and noticed that the top high school basketball players in town, by top I mean getting or on track to get basketball scholarships to major colleges, are biracial. I didn't grow up here but after moving here I quickly noticed that the housing isn't really segregated by race like it is in some other places, only by income. As a result, blacks and whites grew up together in the same neighborhoods and, well, nature took its course. Yes, sociology was one of my favorite classes in school. I haven't seen much IR in Des Moines though a couple of my friends I grew up with that moved there are married to WW. I would say that other than Cedar Rapids, you will see quite a bit of it in Iowa City mainly because it is a college town.
I definitely gotta check Iowa. Who would've known. Id always heard Boulder and Colorado Springs were big on dating. Anyway welcome aboard you'll enjoy this site.