Height/Build - a double standard?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by brewcitychick, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Your right, KnCA, people do seem more friendly when they smile, but...and I hate to generalize...the brothas I know (including myself) are not smilers (is that a word?). Now, 99% of the brothas I walk past on a daily basis will get a quick head nod. It's a quick, simple way to say "hello and "much respect." But thats a black GUY thing. Sistas I just say hello to. But honestly, I can't ever see myself saying "hello" to every WW I meet. Even though I do it for almost all BM and BW...it's the way I was raised and I think more to the point, part of my culture. (But now that I think about it, I do say "hello" to a majority of the white guys I walk past.)
    Do you think a time will come where the tension between black and white will completely go away...? But then, maybe that what makes WW/BM relationships so special...
  2. brewcitychick

    brewcitychick New Member

    SUCCESS! I smiled at a bm walking past me on the street today, and he not only said hi back, but said it with a BIG smile. One step closer to cracking that hard outer shell :wink:
  3. trojanman

    trojanman New Member

    Body type is one of the critical aspects for me personally. At 5'10/180 I have never felt comfortable dating a woman who I feel overpowers me in stature.

    But for me it goes deeper. I always wanted to be six feet tall and when that didn't happen it created a complex where I've always felt short.

    So as a result I don't date tall women. The ideal height for me is under 5'7. I like a woman who has style and can wear high heels and still be shorter than me so ideally 5'4 or under.

    And as a slender guy, I've always been more attracted to slender women. I don't want a woman who weighs more than me. If I can't lift ya, I can't marry ya. That's my motto. So preferably under 140 pounds, ideally 115-125.

    Still haven't found the total package. The women who fit the specs are either older or have kids. Then there are the women who have all other aspects I want but don't fit the specs.

    Single at 40! Gotta love it!
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Trojanman...thats some of the funniest @#%* I have heard in a long time...lol!
  5. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    I actually like tall women although my gf is only 5'5". I've dated women in the past who were on average about 5'9" with the tallest being 6'2". As for as body type I don't have no clear preference as long as they look right and look healthy. As for myself being 6'0" and around 270 I have a athletic build that seems to draw alot of attention which I don't mind. :lol:
  6. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Personally, i have no objections about height although that's because i have NEVER met a woman who's taller than myself. (I'm 6'8, okay? :lol). Generally, i prefer women who are smaller as indicated by my dating track. The tallest girl i dated was 6'1 (she was from Switzerland) and the shortest is my fiancee who stands at a grand 5'2 :lol:.

    I don't know, i always like my woman to feel very secure with me, and height definitely does that. Also, having to bend down to kiss your woman seems very romantic to me. 8)

    With regards to build, my preferences are a bit more particular. I do not like the extremes. I generally go for slim, athletic and/or curvy.
  7. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

  8. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i realize this is an old post, but i just found it and decided to dust it off. :)

    i come from a GIANT family...when i say giant, i mean every male on both sides are over 6'. my dad was 6'7", my mom is 5'10". i was destined to be tall - i'm 6'2", my sis is 6'1", and my lil bro is about 6'5". all my uncles and male cousins are over 6', and i have one cousin who's 7'2" - no joke, no over-exaggeration. he's the tallest person i've ever hugged...my face was in his chest. :p

    anyway, my point....i don't know if "double standard" is the right term, but i do know what brewcitychick was talking about. before i met my husband, and was still in dating land, i loved tall dudes!! nothing is sexier than a tall, dark, bald, black man. it drives me nuts!! :lol: but, i found, that alot of tall dudes that i met said they liked tall girls, but in reality always seemed to date the 5'4" chicks, which left me hangin' out to dry.

    me and my sis have always been the tallest chicks around - it's very rare to ever find ourselves in a room with a female taller than us. but we're okay with it - what could we do about it anyway? before i was married, i think i was involved with only 2 guys that were taller than me (one wm, one bm), and my sis has never dated anyone taller than her. my husband is shorter than me by about 4", but it's all good. :wink: i've found too, that it's usually other people that have the problem with my husband's and my height difference - people say stupid things sometimes, but it's cool. the way i see it...everybody needs love - white, black, skinny, fat, tall....even short guys, hehehe. :yawinkle:
  9. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    As long as a man isnt smaller than me-and that's really hard because I am 5'3 only- I am good with any height. Concerning weight I have to say I don't like extremes. Neither very SKINY nor very MUSCULAR not very THICK. Everything that's not extreme I am okay with
  10. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol, you're so funny with your "extremes". :) i understand where you're coming from though. i don't like twiggy guys or over-muscular body-building types either. thick is nice though...they're like big, cuddly teddy bears. :wink: my husband is kind of a "medium" frame dude, though...but he's got muscle....broad shoulders and a totally sexy stomach! :smt007
  11. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    George george ...george of the jungle tall as he can be...
    watch out for that tree

    lol...youre like an inch shorter than me,,,but then again im from Congo,,,the avarege height for Congolese dudes is 6'1.5".....
  12. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Ladies, you know where to head if you desire (indeed require) a tall man. :lol:
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    yep,,,,,they already got the jungle fever anyways,,,,
  14. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    yah, it must be my german and indian roots....i dunno. :)
  15. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I only have a few preferences; I’m probably one of the few black guys who don’t really dig thick girls. I know some cats got a jones for the thick girls and I aint mad at them, but that’s not really my thing. I also don’t want somebody taller than I; I’m 5-11 so that’s that.

    I love slimbody chicks or the ones with a slim athletic build. Blond, brunette, red-head, or whatever, she’s gotta love all music like I do. I’m not into phat asses or huge breasts either. She gotta be like a B-cup or a C-cup preferably, and she absolutely positively must have pretty feet.
  16. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    lol, you and those feet! :smt036
  17. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I can’t help it. A woman who takes care of her feet speaks volumes about her personal hygiene. I’m sort of a clean freak and personal hygiene is very important to me. Only the freaky things that I’m into such as pretty feet among other things are what balance me out.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Dad's family = tall

    Mom's family = average

    Son = short...kinda :roll:

    Don't really care if a girl is 5'0" or 6'0".....I'm a manly enough dude that it doesn't matter.

    As for body type...skinny is OK if she isn't anorexic and thick is fine if she shows signs of wanting to maintain good physical condition. All about proportion...a B-cup is fine if the girl is 110 lbs but if she's 175 lbs...there needs to be a chest to match that. Booty is nice but in talking with my best friend...I realized that no booty and large boobs is preferrable to large booty and no boobs.

    In other words...from a purely physical standpoint when it comes to my personal definition of femininity....I recognize boobs as more indicative of "womanliness" than a large butt

    I have officially conformed to the standards of Eurocentricism....let all of the freedom fighters come out and call me a sellout... LOL 8)
  19. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Ah a breast man :)
  20. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    yes ma'am...I'm a breast man....but honestly...my hands are fairly average sized (9 inch hand span)....if I can get a good handful....that's good enough

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