Nope, Obama's healthcare info has been out there for months, on the link Loki provided and has been addressed hundreds of times in press conferences and town hall meetings. Its not the Presidents job to babysit you, you need to pay more attention to whats going on. Not trying to be rude just calling a spade a spade. Taxes will only be going up on americans earning more than $350, 000 a year. If we went to a single payer system our taxes might go up some at first. But moving from a system in which profits come first to a system where health comes first should reduce our costs tremendously. Ultimately you pay for the care one way or another. Either to taxes or to insurance companies. You just pay less if you pay it through taxes instead of to a company that profits off of the whole thing. And having everyone covered should also reduce costs through increased preventative care.
I'm a teacher, and we supposedly have "good" health care plans. *Looks at paycheck* I pay $1093.20 a year for my health care. If I were unemployed, a similar health plan would be $2100 per year, although it does not offer coverage such as maternity benefits (as my current plan) and charges higher deductibles. The amount of $741.60 is taken out of my check yearly for medicare. As quoted above, I might break even as far as tax payment goes with the new plan. However, if I can pay the same amount for me and the less fortunate people in my neighborhood to have healthcare as I can giving my money to my bloated private health insurance company, I feel it is money well spent. The day may come when I am unemployed (they are cutting the education budget like crazy in GA) and need health care. Eating well and exercising are great, but they do not necessarily keep you out of the hospital. One friend of mine was in a car accident, and, after a brief hospital stay, found himself thousands of dollars in debt. This was one of the contributing factors to his declaring bankruptcy. I've heard of people diagnosed with certain illnesses being turned away from care and dying because they could not afford the healthcare costs. You may think it's liberal propaganda, but I felt that the film Sicko accurately depicted the problems with our current health care system. Michael Moore's commentary aside, I've either seen or experienced the problems the people in the film faced.
The challenge for President Obama is to reduce the cost in health care. I wish he would address Tort Reform in reducing health care cost. The trial lawyers will fight him on that one. They are major contributors to the Dem Party. Another is allowing people to buy insurance across state lines like buying car insurance as we currently do in order to have competition. But the insurance companies have the Dems and the Repubs in their pockets and on their side and do not want to see change in this area. Something needs to be done about having to pay the medical care for millions of illegal aliens in this country. Look at California as an example. The Dems do not want to change this because the illegals they want as new voters. So President Obama has his hands full. If he fails on this one then he will become a lame duck President for the next three years. I predict 2010 marks the end of the Dems control of Congress.
Dropping the government run public option in favor of consumer run co-ops initially funded by the government, could be one of the concessions necessary to get the bill passed. Nothing is final at this moment however.... stay tuned, this is getting interesting.
Wait a minute, how do I know you're really a citizen of the United States? I wanna see YOUR birth certificate!!!:smt042
So much misinformation. So much passion overriding common sense... Takes a while to load