This time next week I'll be just stepping off the plane in Tokyo, Japan for a 10 day holiday! I'm lucky enough to be going with a friend who has lived there before and visited numerous times, so she'll be my tour guide, but I was wondering if anyone had been and if so, do you have any tips or advice? Any "must-see"s? Can't wait :smt026
I've been there on my way to Hong Kong. Granted I never left the airport, but I'd love to go back. I bought a manga magazine to help with my artwork. And a chicken sandwich at Mickey D's is $300. But in HK, I pais $35 for a 3 piece meal and drink. $130 for a large pizza from Pizza Hut. I'd love to go back to Asia when I have more time.
come on dawg, I know he's black and shit but dayum.... they seen his ass a mile away, and hit him with the 52-fakeout right up the tailpipe 'yes, yes this Three-Hundred Dolla, numba one. Chicken, chicken cluck cluck, yes?'
seriously they must have figured that chicken sandwich (come on dawg, that wasnt even a WHOLE chicken) would be buttah for a black man. that hunger was fierce, lmao smooth daddy you is a TRIP
I lived there for 6 years....its a really great place. If it all possible get away from the Tourist Areas....but then again, you are going to Tokyo that's all that is there is tourist areas. LOL Hiroshima where the bomb was dropped The eternal flame.
You paid 3,000 yen for Mickey Ds? I think you mean 300 yen, ($3.00) or even 3,000 ($30.00...which is still crazy) cuz I have been all over Japan and I ain't never seen a 300.00 big Mac, Japan is expensive but not that damn expensive.
No, but whikle take lots of pics. A friend of mine went a few years ago and had an amazing time. She brought back the funniest pic she took in a restroom. It was an illustration on how to use it.
Your last three photo links are broken, Ymra? I wish we were going for longer so I could see more of the country.. But time is always limited! Yeah, I will definitely take plenty and share some good ones with y'all
Damn it, I wanna go to Japan can someone smuggle me in somehow? lol. Wait... and give me money? :smt077
i'm assuming your talking about our wedding, because i can't believe for a minute that you'd do the dirty on me and marry a man with a hot torso who doesn't have any heads to speak of