and feel so out of practice. it is a casual drink thing and early..he is a friend of a friend and just moved to the area. he is a computer engineer, sounds nice on the phone, but he is in his 50s, crap that makes me feel OLD. I'm use to guys in their 30s and 40s. I don't want to ask the dumb, so do you like it here so far? lame ass questions. dating sucks
You might be surprised...I dated a man who had just turned 50 almost 2 yrs ago...I was 36 @ the time. He kept asking me out, and I was newly separated. I was back n forth on the date, felt like it was WAY too early. He finally turned drinks and dinner into lunch. I felt much more at ease about lunch, but still WAY out of the dating scene. Had no idea what we had in common let alone what we'd end up talking about. He was SUCH a gentleman...we ended up becoming good friends. Just relax, try not to focus on the age difference. Have fun and let your hair down tonight! Can't wait to hear about your night out
Yep, agree with everything the ladies are saying here. Gotta' keep an open mind about this. Who knows? He just might be the one! My sister is dating a guy that's 52 & she's 35 now. Didn't think she'd like it, but now, she's having the time of her life!! Report back to us when u get a moment! Can't wait to hear what happened!!!
thanks guys....meeting him in 40 minutes at a Chinese place 5 minutes from my least they have banging scorpion bowls. I texted him about his height for footwear purpose...5'11 not bad, but not ultra high heel range for me
Eek, no pix....did not see the message. It was a god date. Not great, but good. Attractive, but not making me drool. Convo was easy. Never married no kids, can be both a blessing and a curse. If he asks, I will go out again.. there is chemistry, but the slow kind as opposed to the fireworks that I am use to. Only think that MIGHT be a problem, although he is very American is that he is Caribbean. I know that sounds bad, but I way prefer American born black men..However, I am willing to give him a chance
Glad things went well, Stiletoes. Give him a chance. Easy conversation is a big hurdle, everything else is natural. Hopefully he made you smile
I've read that compatibility & a slow burn results in a longer-lasting, more satisfying relationship. I always look for the fireworks too, but I've also read that when the fireworks are intense, it can make one more clingy & needy and things burn out quicker. Not true across the board, but I can see how that might be. You crave the burn to the point that one suffocates the other. Glad you had a nice time, Toes. Go for the slow burn. :smt023