Has anyone been around a bipolar person?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

    Exactly....I was meaning it happens to very intelligent people sometimes, and they can be sick to the point they can act like kids at times...I never tried to denigrate bipolar people, I was trying to give firsthand experience to give people a better understanding...because sometimes the textbook doesn't do it...

    Was merely saying it does happen to high functioning people sometimes
  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You can tell from your pics you have a good relationship with your son/daughter. I hope you can keep the relationship going strong regardless of having to be separated for no good reason. :(
  3. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

  4. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I think it's more of a bipolars can be high functioning.

    To be a high functioning bipolar is the hardest type to be. You have to live by an entirely different set of outside expectations and yet people can yank the rug right out from under your feet at anytime because "your sick".

    You lose, in an essence your ability to be human because when you have a bad time (which is normal human experience) you have to take a pill to be normal again. No one will relate to you like you are person who might need to talk about something bc you're human instead of "take a seroquel and go sleep".

    You are viewed first and foremost as sick and it doesn't not matter how high functioning you are or how many times you prove that you can live your life with the bipolar. At the same time, you aren't as sick as others and are left to deal with things that even normally adjusted people would struggle with.

    And this is from the "pros" themselves.
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

  6. SirNice

    SirNice New Member

  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    a friend of mine was finally diagnosed as bi-polar, after being put in hospital twice, the last time for having suicidal thoughts about driving off a bridge with her son in the car.

    she used to be so high all the time and then drastically low all of a sudden and once she was put on her meds i had to adjust to her as she was a completely different person, more calm, quiet and relaxed.

    she was adopted and it turns out that her biological mum, along with her sisters, all suffer from either manic depression or bi-polar disorder.
  8. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    They beat you about the head and try to break all of your most treasured possessions, then gank your credit card and spend about $1000.

    Steal your favorite shoes for no reason when they are not the same size.

    Try to turn some of your former valuable friends against you with their vivacious personality, oh and have a concealed/carry license. (And so does their alcoholic lawyer boyfriend)

    If you cleaned her bathroom the best you could, she would scrutinize it and say "Don't ever be a maid. You don't qualify."

    Threatened to euthanize your cat (twice).
    Stole shoes (like I said). She actually threw them into the neighbour's yard - and this is only after I said that I wouldn't talk to her again until she promised to apologize for trying to divide me from one of my old friends (that I introduced her to).

    Made you run down the stairs in terror (and fall, with your cat in your arms, because you were afraid she was going to take your best friend - who was 15 years old at the time - to the "Humane Society"), and then charmed the neighbors into thinking that YOU were the crazy one, even though you enlisted the help of a neighbor into protecting your cat, and paid her with a real pearl necklace that your abusive exboyfriend gave you. To show that you were sincere about the threat (you really would have liked to keep the pearl necklace, but surviving and protecting your most beloved friend is the most important thing in the whole world).

    I just lived in this space for 5 weeks and she was almost never there, but whenever she came over, I was on pins and needles, wondering what would happen. I was just trying to find a job, and get used to being back in my old city again. I loved her like a sister - we had been friends for 9 years, but when I needed her help, she abused me (even when she was never there - the times she was there, I never knew what to expect).

    Oh and BTW, she's a SOCIAL WORKER. And drinks a fifth of Bombay Sapphire per night. Etc. Her best friends are drug dealers and only high-rolling men with money that can do something for her, while I have never been like that.

    I loved her, and I miss her, but will I ever ever trust her again? HELL NO.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
  9. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Great thread! Thanks for the input everyone. I'm not quite sure but I think I'm dealing with a bipolar person now. It's very aggravating. I've only known her for a very short time but I'm already grown tired of her and her games but I feel bad if I stop talking to her all together if she really has a problem.

    When I met her she was a really sweet woman and she begged for me to come hang out with her but the second go around she changed...or I guess I seen the real her.

    Told her sister shell take her to the airport at 4am, later told her she never said that and cant do it.

    Asked me what i want to do, i say lets go eat and drink and she says she wants to chill at her place. Get to her place watch a movie for 15 min and she says lets go drinking.

    One moment she want to hold hands and kiss, next she dont want to be bothered saying stop get off me.

    Asking me what females i find attractive at the bar and calling all my picks ugly, next day accused me of being a dog checking out other females in the bar while with her.

    Telling me give her space while she slept in bed so i went to the couch, she gets up later asking whats wrong why arent you sleeping with me...leads me back to the bedroom lay next to her and she pulls me in close and holds, rubs me while she sleeps.

    Felt ultra comfortable calling me nigger lips but wanna fuckin cry when I poked fun of her hair by saying it's fucked up.

    When getting to know her she did reveal she has done hardcore drugs in the past, even smoked crack at one low point in her life when she was in a fucked up relationship with her crackhead boyfriend.... :::sigh::: stupid me.
  10. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Even at the lowest low points of my life when I did some very self-destructive things, I have never done hardcore drugs...and would NEVER call someone the name that she called you. That is sickening. As for your taking her out, she should have been happy, and busting her ass to get ready to look as pretty for you as she possibly could.

    BTW "space in the bed" is very easily accomplished between two average sized people - you don't even have to touch in a queen-sized bed.

    Sad. I know. I miss my friend - the sad thing is that everyone loves her because she tells them all what they want to hear...but when I expressed my limits, and said I couldn't handle her abuse anymore, she went apeshit, and could have ruined my life. But she didn't, because I found out that there are many more kindhearted people out there who are willing to help you - even men (who won't try to have sex with you)...God bless Iranian men. :heart:
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    That is not bipolar. The ups and downs are lway onger periods than that.
  12. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Then what is it? Is there a difference between manic/depressive and bipolar ? I know what schizophrenic is... one of my old boyfriends has suffered with that disease for years and he is not a stereotype either. I still adore him to this day no matter how he acts at any given phase.

    I don't think we can diagnose her based on one description. It's not fair.

    If you listened to my male cousin;s diagnoses of me, I am looneytunes... but if you read his letter to me, you might see the truth. I was like oh, I need to keep away from this person because he is trying to control me. Scary.... this is from a man who willingly chooses to grow weed and sell it. And made me cry so much that I couldn't even breathe when he came to visit. I told him to fuck off. He is still after me. I am thinking maybe he has the problem.
  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    She sounds a lot like my sister-in-law who is bipolar and all fucked in her head with other stuff too though. RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!! FAST!!!!!!!!!!!! Or you'll have a lot worse horror stories to tell.
  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    This was all within one day. There is much more but that's what stuck out to me. Anyway, I just broke it off with her. She doesn't want to speak to me anymore.
  15. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, something tells me she's still addicted to drugs. She told me she smoked some weed the other day, got so high she backed into a telephone phone with her car and locked her self out... I couldn't find the humor.
  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Yeah, she's destructive. I wouldn't be surprised if she's still addicted to drugs. Especially if she smoked crack. People usually don't "just" smoke crack at some low point in their life and then don't any more. Probably especially if they're still smoking weed too. But, she sounds psychotic, drugs or not. Luckily, she didn't kill anyone.

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