Has a White Chick Ever Tried To Get You In Trouble?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by PeyBackTime8818, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    Has a white chick ever went out of her way to screw you over, set you up, lie on you, get you in trouble, for whatever reason? Because she didn't like you? Because you hit on her? Because you did something to her? Because she was racist? Here's some shit that has happened to me...

    1. In the third grade there was a girl named Serena Carino who used to always call me racist names but I never did anything back. Then one day I had enough and kicked her as hard as I could in between her legs. She pretended that she was hurt real bad and I ended up getting kicked out of the school. After I left the office once I was told I was kicked out, she came out of the nurse's office smiling. I hated that bitch! I ended up being the only kid to get the principal's list for honors for my grades before leaving the school.

    2. My sophomore year of high school, this girl Jenna claimed to the school principal that I was "stalking her". I wasn't. All I was doing was being a little annoying I guess LOL. And as a joke, when someone won't leave you alone, kids will say, yo this guy is stalking me. But you do not go to the school principal and actually claim that someone is really truly STALKING you so he can get in trouble. Luckily they laughed at her claim but they did call me in to the office to talk to me about staying away from her. That was psycho!

    3. I was once dating an underage girl (she was 14, I was 18) and lets just say that a friend of hers (who felt jealous that she was spending more time with me than with her) tried to rat us out. Well eventually the girl I was dating told her to get used to me and keep her mouth shut and so she did. Needless to say me and her stayed together for 3 years and was the love of my life. I am 21 and she is 17 now but we broke up this past June.

    4. This doesn't really count as far as a girl my age being vindictive but in junior high school, a white female teacher of mine accused me of stealing her math text book. I did not take it but for some reason she was insistent on it and a big rumor started. They never found out who took it, but I ended up leaving the school after 4 months anyway.
  2. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Girls in general have tried to get me in trouble. Usually alot of females try to have you fight another guy for them. Or do some other bs for them. I do have a story about a white teacher getting me suspended from school.

    It was when I was in middle school and this teacher was my gym teacher. After my gym class I left the gym while tucking my shirt in (we had a dress code) and she saw me and told me to go to detention. And after spending a while in detention, I’m called into the VP office. The vice principal says she is going to suspend me for one day because that stupid teacher told the vice pricincipal that she frequently told me to tuck in my shirt (which was bs). So my mom came down and told off the vice principal about disrupting my education, etc.

    But I still got suspended for that day and when I came back the gym teacher was bragging to the other gym teacher how she got me suspended and he laughed with her. That was the only time I've ever been suspended from school. A few teachers in that school didn't like for some reason.

    The moral of my story is that I've known alot of b1tches in my life.
  3. SENGO_G

    SENGO_G New Member

    MAN, it happened to an old friend of mine who dated a white girl in college. she *thought* she was pregnant and next thing you know, the guy is sitting in jail, on his way to being expelled and sports scholarship revoked! the charges were dropped, and the school board didn't expell him, but since that, he transferred to a ALL-BLACK school and swore to never EVER date a white girl. EXTREME.............
  4. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    I hate hearing about stuff like this happening. Sounds like a really shitty situation, but obviously the girl was not nice and probably a little crazy.... but this guy swore off white girls because of ONE crazy chick (at least that's how it's written here!) Like there are no crazy chicks of any other race!!! I really get offended when I hear stuff like that.

    ok.. my rant is over... back to the topic...

    Yeah... lotsa white girls tried to get me in trouble!!! Y'all ever seen the movie Mean Girls??? :lol:

    Oh... this topic was probably not for the ladies! Sorry! :oops: Carry on!
  5. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Honestly, I see where the both of you are comin' from.
  6. tbron

    tbron New Member

    no quite the opposite. black girls/women have been the thorn up my ass my whole life.
  7. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Oh, so it's posts like these that inspired the "stop hating on black women thread." i was wondering what inspired that thread. tbron, it's a free country, and one can choose to say whatever he/she pleases, but i seriously don't think this type of post is a good idea on this forum. Black women and white men should be brought up as seldom as possible IMO. Nothing good ever comes of it.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  8. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Finally somebody with a brain.

  9. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Its threads like these that give a good laugh.
  10. tbron

    tbron New Member

    man fuck you and all who agree with you.
  11. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    lol...real nice bro. grow up.
  12. tbron

    tbron New Member

    i will the day you stop trying to preach to people over the internet about things you know nothing about.

    so find new ways to earn cool points with your big gay pal on these boards.
  13. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I've been here for darn near 5 years. These people are like family to me. I don't need to fish for any cool points. Nobodies trying to preach to you. All i said was, don't post that crap here. Every other member would tell you the same thing. So calm down Mr. Internet Tough Guy.
  14. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

  15. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

  16. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Me next! Me next! :cool:

  17. DI

    DI New Member

    the guy in the Nate's pic looks worse. lol and the one in the SonnyShao's pic isn't that bad at all! lol
  18. DI

    DI New Member

    I didn't know we had any gay guys over here! lol but wait, why would they even be the members of the with the name whiteWOMENblackmen.com?....makes no sense:smt102
  19. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    DI why are you responding to that guy? By the way...

  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

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