Here we have an American Professor based in Australia, suggesting that Africans have an average IQ of 70. In Europe and USA this falls under the retarded range. Anyway, he suggests that Australia shouldn't allow Sudanese Refugees to settle, as their low IQ's correlate to a higher tendency towards violent behaviour. He is quickly corrected by a sudanese Oxford graduate.
So is this women even remotely important? Or is she just some stuck up Ivy League student? Either way she is obviously not too bright and just shows you that idiots can get into Ivy League schools.
A cracker is a racist white person like a nazi or a klansman. The Brazilian guy said he'd favor a brazilian nazi over a foreign Black person...That is why I made the cracker comment. If you're not a cracker then don't crumble...I wasn't talking about you.
I have heard about that as well. This is when IQ tests really fail. There is no way that the average African is retarded.
That's true Jordan as some of the earlier written IQ tests were geared towards specific demographics, plus a myriad of other factors can affect score, such as reading ability, test anxiety, dyslexia, etc. The most accurate IQ tests are verbally given by a trained professional, this eliminates many of the biases that exist and gives a more true measure of IQ. It's also possible to be gifted in some areas, while performing average or below average in other areas. As I understand it you also get the truest measure of IQ if you test prior to the age of 13 or 14.
In many African countries running is a sport, a popular recreation. It's not here. Here, someone might run for health, they might even run with a friend. But you don't have pick-up runs like pick up basketball or football or baseball. I had a Kenyan friend in college who told me how it was common where he was from for someone just to go running by, and other people would just join in and run too, and then next thing you knew you were a town away. I doubt we will ever again have winners in any running sport from any country where running isn't "fun", so long as there are other countries where it is.
I get what you are saying about Kenyans. To clarify, when I say West African extraction I include Black Americans in that group -for obvious reasons. There is a huge disparity between the 100m times for Black American sprinters(world leaders) and White American sprinters. Actually struggling to think of a white American sprinter of any standing. I am not sure if its a cultural thing or if it is really slavery. The slavery argument does seem to have a lot of holes though.
This chick's email does not surprise me. Isnt it the guy who wrote the bell curve a PhD professor in Harvard? I am telling you the higher you get in accademics acheivement the more racism you're going to face. Most of these highly acheived racist professor in high caliber school try to intellectualize why their race is superior. It is fucken laughable. Anyhoo, I am sure intelligence has a genetic component but to assert that all blacks are genetically inferior than white is completely absurd. Also as Espy pointed out earlier, being gifted does not mean anything if you dont have the enviroment to nurture that gift.
You do understand that many african americans have some amount of european descent. One would think africans are faster than their hybrid counterparts.
Well, for a start Africans were also taken as slaves by Arabs in huge numbers. Mostly from the Eastern African coast. A lot of these slaves worked as labourers like the Black Slaves in the Americas, and East Africans are not known for their sprinting prowess. In fact you will be hard pressed to find an Eastern African sprinter. Also the work most slaves carried out, you would have thought this would translate to a physically stronger race. But as I mentioned earlier Black people do poorly in world strongest men competitions. These events are dominated by Scandinavians. Surely if was down to slavery, Black people would dominate these events, because in most instances, only the strongest slaves survived due to the conditions they faced.
Were the Eastern Africans slaves as long as the ones here in North America. Were they breeded like horses? As far as the strong man competition maybe its because a lot of atheletic blacks are not competing. Just like that thread Benz started pointed out the MLB doesn't have as many black men in at as it use to be and its because more of them primarliy stick to basketball and football where there definitely isn't a shortage of bm there. Think of all the other sports like boxing where you'd be hard pressed to find any notable fighters who weren't black or even the newly established UFC where the best pound for pound fighter is Anderson Silva who's black. The more I think about it the more I notice that when a large number of blacks compete in a sporting event they usually dominate.
Another variable to consider is this: In sports, it is harder to discriminate, once you let everyone compete. You can speculate about who is a better manager, who is a better lawyer. In most fields you can see how easy it is to corrupt the system just by looking at how prevalent nepotism is. But it's much harder to bullshit about who is a better athlete, when so much of it is math. This guy runs faster. You may be upset about it, if you're a racist, but you can't deny it. It's a merit based industry, to a larger degree than almost any other field. As a result, nearly every sport has been one where hard work and talent can offer a more level playing field for Black People. Then, once there are a few excelling in any given field, it becomes a more welcoming, friendly environment for others. And groups have always gravitated to those industries where they could find others like themselves and where they could feel safe. It's why there are so many gay people in the theater. Not because gay people are better at acting, but because gay people know they can make a good life for themselves as an actor, have peers who accept them and even be amongst others like themselves. So people who are gay and have any acting talent are more likely to invest themselves in acting than they might in their other skill sets, and so you have a greater number of phenomenal gay actors. Likewise, young Black people who excel at a given sport are more likely to follow that skill set -- knowing they will find an industry that they can rise in based upon their own work and dedication, make a good life for themselves and be around people who accept them as well as be around others like themselves -- than they are to follow another skill set where the outcome may be less achievement, or achievement in a life surrounded by those that never go further than "tolerate" them. So let's take 20 kids who all have some skill in sports, 3 of them are Black and 17 are White. They all have choices about what they want to do in life. For the 17 White kids, sports is risky. You can get injured, you might work your whole life just to find there are others better than you. Heck, some kids die from almost every sport before they even get out of high school. Instead, they could choose to focus on another skill, and have a safer life. Or they may balance their goals between sports and something to fall back on. Knowing they have many options, they might slip in their practice. Chase some members of the opposite sex, party, etc. The 3 Black kids have different motivation. The other fields are not necessarily "safer", because they all allow for the possibility of racist oppression. They could focus on another skill, and never make it up the ladder. Sports gives them the one possibility of success based only on their hard work. This of course would motivate them to work harder than their peers. And by the end of high school, the 3 Black kids are phenomenally better than the 17 White kids in the sport.
This breeding of Blacks like horses would be a really strong argument, if only West Africans, who were not bred like horses(Nigerians & Ghanians) didnt go under the 10 second mark for 100 metres. They do, and white people dont. They probably have poorer facilities as well. And more then likely poorer diets.