Harvard Law Women Says Blacks Are Less Intelligent

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Carter, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. Carter

    Carter Member

    http://hater site.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/meet-stephanie-grace-the-harvard-law-student-who-started-a-racist-email-war-e1272563878237.jpg?w=450&h=501

  2. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    It's 2010 and we are still talking about "The Negro Problem"?

    If you're going to be a racialist at least know the difference between the Black race and the African American ethnic group. Again, the conflation of these terms is complete pc ignorance especially when you are discussing IQ, as African American's and other Black ethnic groups/nationalities have different IQ results.

    These racialist love to use genetic science to explain racial difference, yet can not pinpoint anything genetically that makes someone smarter than another, let alone a so called race. The ones that do are usually crack phrenologist who research skulls and brain size.

    This has been the hubris of modern western thought for too long now, wanting to find or harness measurable cognitive ability. The geneticist fans are in many ways just eugenicist, and sadly this girl probably thinks she's on the vanguard of scientific and intellectual thought because she is at Harvard. These schools produce ideologues who usually fit their already established world view into whatever field/career they are studying.

    This girl is not even a real racialist because she would know the language, most likely she is just a racist who thinks she can speak intelligently on race because she has taken this or that class or she thinks scientific method is infallible.

    What are the pro-genetic counter arguments? Who is the we? What is being controlled? and what are the variables?
  3. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Just what I was thinking. And here I thought eugenics was left to only the fucks in the 1920s. Fuck this bitch. She needs a swift kick in the ass, and a punch to the throat.

    There's always gonna be some fucker out there that will try to use science to justify their racism. Like they can't face the fact that everybody has the same ability to gain whatever knowledge they want.
  4. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    notice her mentioning Larry Summers, one of Obama's current top economic advisors, a man who slandered women in science and said parts of Africa were under-polluted. These are some of the people who get involved in policy making and this is why many don't trust these so called intellectuals, and why some would rather deal with open racists than these PC talking liberal closet racists.

    I wonder if she sticks by her words? I doubt it. She will probably offer an apology, in few years it will be forgotten and she will have some cush job making policy or assisting someone who does.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2010
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    James Watson, the scientist who said the same thing is 16% African. She and all those who think like her should take a DNA test. I wonder at what percentage of SSA would make them Black, I'm guessing it's not the average 1 to 2 % that a high percentage of White americans have. If you are going to do a supposedly scientific correlation between IQ and race then everyone who takes an IQ test has to take a DNA test. If race is genetic than race can only be determined by a DNA test, not by phenotype and social designation as in what constitutes white and black is different in some cultures.
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'd definitely be in favor of this. It would put a lot of things to bed and prove many wrong.
  7. Carter

    Carter Member

    She did

  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    There is NO scientific correlation between physical appearance, skin color and intellectual aptitude.

    But some people still forget this most basic biological fact.

    It would be the equivalent of arguing that people over 6'2 are smarter than those less tall.

    The matter of quantifying and measuring intelligence can be a complex endeavor, even more so for those willing to immediately resort to racial and cultural stereotyping.

    Sad to see a young White female who so clearly is academically talented, yet still not all that smart.

    Truth is, there are very few genuinely brilliant people of any race/ethnicity, although racist white folks would have you believe that ALL OF THEM, White people, are extraordinary, and everyone else is walking around dragging their knuckles on the pavement.:rolleyes:
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    That is the kind of stuff Nazis said about Jews in the ghettos of Europe.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well generally white people do respect the hell out of Asian intelligence because those fuckers work really hard. I will say this I know that genetically genius is hard to determine but there is a major cultural laziness amongst African Americans. Per capita we have far more children who aspire for a career in entertainment more so than anyone other group at least in my opinion. I'm wondering how us black professionals can compete with rappers and ball players or why can't athletes be honest and tell these kids that sports is a huge lottery that gives very different payouts. Some people are powerball winners and some people are scratch off thousandaires. I wonder of we can find our way out of this shit.
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i must admit that i stopped reading the whole pile after the first paragraph...!!! we all know that it's a piece of bull, why treat it with anything other than that???? we know a heap of heat by now, why even play with our feeting???
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member


    We've had this discussion before in another thread, the concept that IQ is genetic, and as I said there I will never believe that. So tying it to race is also complete crap IMO. It's that whole nature vs. nuture concept in play, and from what I've observed in my life it's never one or the other but a pretty even combination of both. In some instances, more of one will allow you to overcome a lack of the other as well. You can take someone who is a natural born genius and if they don't get the right support, encouragement and educational opportunities growing up, it may well severely limit their potential. You can also take someone more average and give them all of the above and they can achieve a higher level of intelligence than perhaps their genes called for. People learn, you can always improve yourself with effort. Additionally, I've known some people with high IQs that amounted to nothing because no one ever encouraged them and they learned they could just 'get by' with little effort. IQ is a number, it doesn't guarantee success or intelligence. You may be born with the potential, but it's what you do with it that matters.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I like reading things like this. It keeps me open to how the opposition thinks.
  14. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    And that turned out not to be true.
  15. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    If we are all ancestors of Africa then we are really all the same despite skin color. Our skin adapted color wise to where our ancestors migrated to. So then we would all be the same underneath and any intelligence difference is probably more due to social, enviroment and society than anything and those factor are overcome. That has been shown before.

    She shows that people can be idiotic and be book smart. What is concerning is that this was dinner talk at a large meeting. :(
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2010
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Gotta cosign that.
  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    understood...it just makes me feel agitated...like a scratch i can't itch...in a very bad way
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I love being agreed with so early in the day! Thanks babe. :smt008
  19. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I hear you Tarshi. This kind of stuff just thoroughly pisses me off too. How anyone could openly and boldly state such complete garbage is amazing to me. But then you know until I joined WWBM I had no idea places like racist site existed, so I'm apparently not that intelligent myself. ;)
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well when you're right you're right babe but we're very like minded so I'm sure its not a surprise.

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