Happy Thanksgiving 2008

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Malik True, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    I would like to take this time to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
    I have quite a bit to be thankful for, my stunning wife, my handsome son and family and friends that care about me. I am also thankful for the one thing we all take for granted from time to time, life itself...

  2. grlnxtdr

    grlnxtdr New Member

    Happy Thanksgiving, all

    I am thankful for my husband, my Mom, great friends, and all the things I NEVER take for granted such as running water, food, a roof over my head.

    Thankful to our troops over there risking their lives.

    Thankful to live in the best city in Maine, where there are a lot more IR couples now than there has ever been.

    I'm a happy person, so it's pretty easy for me to see all the good things in life.

    Thanks, Malik..
  3. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    That's beautiful, I have a lot to be thankful for also!

    My 3 great sons, a beautiful daughter, 5 wonderful grandkids, oh and a great son-in-law. All healthy and apparently happy at this time.

    My handsome Baby in Iraq, and I thank God for keeping him healthy and safe. It's been a wonderful year, and I'm looking forward to the next.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Damn, y'all are making me jealous. You guys sound like you're living great lives right now. I feel like I'm stuck right now. Still thankful to be alive. Thankful for my dad, since he is the most kickass dad, and never tried to bullshit me, and........my....mom, who has bullshit me and done so much shit, but that's besides the point. And my friends. Love them muthafuckas. Especially thankful for my share of the rent that is going to be paid by my dad when me and my friends get an apartment. Happy Thanksgiving to all of y'all.
  5. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Happy (early) Thanksgiving to you too. I have a lot to be thankful for too:

    My baby twins - as well as their mother - are alive, kicking and are as healthy as can be.

    Myself and my fiancee have a great, loving and committed relationship and we've been going strong for 5 years now. Next year we seek to complete the journey with a trip down the isle.

    My family, especially my eldest brother serving with the United States Air Force, are alive, doing fine in their respective fields and are successful at it.

    All the men and women in uniform, wherever they may be. These people risk their lives to preserve our freedoms.

    And to everybody and anybody i may have missed out, please know that it is not my intention.
  6. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    I don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK obviously but I have so much to be thankful for.

    A loving mother that's stood by me through thick and thin.
    A twin sister who's one of my best friends and helps me through so much, keeps me right and stops me from going crazy.
    A beautiful home I share with my beautiful son. I'm thankful that he's even here right now as he was so close not to.
    I'm thankful that I have a house full of food, gas and electric and a bank account that's not going to be empty any time soon.
    I'm thankful for my whole family. I'm thankful that I get to go to college and get an education. I'm thankful for the hurt I've suffered in the last year too as it's only made me stronger. I'm thankful for finding out about my big sisters this year and all my nephews and nieces. I'm thankful for my life and everyone in it making it a joy to wake up everyday knowing that I will be blessed to be in these peoples presence.

    Sometimes it's easy to just think about everything that's going wrong but when I take the time to think there's so much I have to be thankful for.
  7. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I have nothing to be thankful for. No big deal.

    I do wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, though.
  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! And a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!! :D

    I'm thankful for my daughter who has blessed me by being her and giving me joy that I've never felt before she came along...

    I'm thankful for my family.

    I'm thankful for my job.

    I'm also thankful for waking up and getting out of the bad relationship I was in, and learning from my mistakes so that I can find the happiness that I know is out there for me. :D
  9. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    May you find joy and someone special this Thanksgiving season to be thankful for!

    Is giving a guy an angel weird? :smt059
    If so, sorry, it's the thought that counts.
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

  11. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Yes you do. You're breathing, you've got a roof over your head, food in your pantry, and a warm bed to sleep in, yes? I hope so, at least.
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    It's always been so strange to me these past few years doing the whole "I'm thankful for" stuff. The only place I ever did it before was in school. In elementary school, actually. We never did anything like that at home.

    I'm thankful for a lot of things. I'm thankful, as I always am this time of year, to have a home with running water and heat. It's not so great not having that, and especially a morning like this, where the temperature is dipping down into uncomfortable levels (because I'm used to 100 degrees after the summers here) and I've got my heater on. I don't think I'll use it too much this winter, cause it usually doesn't get that cold here, but everytime I turn the heater on I remember what it's like not having that luxury in winters back on the east coast. It's wonderful.

    I'm thankful for the breakfast I just ate, and the aunt who sent me money so I could afford it. I'm thankful for the coffee I'm drinking, cause more often than not it's a treat I can't afford anymore.

    I'm thankful for being in school. This marks the second Thanksgiving I've not had to go to class, which is much better than the Thanksgivings I didn't have classes to get a free day off with.

    I'm thankful for the lessons I've learned these past few, rough years, and the people who have come and gone from my life within that time.

    It doesn't always feel like we've much to be thankful for, but there's always something. If there's one thing I tell people, it's never take for granted the simple things people often forget about. Food, shelter, water, electricity, heat...all these things we forget about, because we become so accustomed to their presence, assuming they'll always be there. Sometimes they won't be, and it's in those times that we finally feel their loss. It's just better to appreciate them while you have them, in my opinion, but I guess I'm a bit off.

    I'm also thankful that I have some amazing friends here in student housing who're basically grabbing up all the stragglers who aren't going home for the holiday to have a nice little "family" dinner amongst us all, even if we don't know each other very well. I get to babysit the dinner tomorrow while the guy who organized all this works for most of the day.

    And tomorrow I'll be thankful for cellphones and unlimited nationwide long distance while I call my mom and my little bro, two of my aunts, about 5 or more cousins, and my sister and law and other little bro. And probably more than that. The holidays generally mean I'm on the phone al day with my peeps back in WV *L*

    Happy turkey-eating day, people. Let's go be thankful for my ancestors that started all this nonsense with corn and turkey and white settlers before they all died from smallpox!
  13. Dex216

    Dex216 New Member

    I'm thankful for being alive, for having a job, going to school, having family and friends, for the internet :cool:, for a roof over my head, clothes on my body, a car to drive, for everything I have. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you
  14. veema

    veema Member

    It is a big deal. I hope you find something to be thankful for.

    I am thankful for jaisee and all of the other posters here. You make me laugh, you make me think, sometimes you teach me things, and sometimes some of you irritate the heck out of me - and then someone makes me laugh again. Thank you.
  15. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    aww jaisee. it's not easy to be positive, I know. But I wish u a lot of happiness, so next year u'll be able to write a long-long-long list of things u r thankfull for :)

    About me... we don't have Thanksgiving obviously here, but let's see...
    I'm thankfull for my mum, the best ever, who is fighting against haters and is always so strong and kind with me, even when i'm an idiot, for the rest of my family, especially my kickass uncle.
    I have an old house, but still a house and a bed and food.
    I'm thankfull I got a degree even if I had no money, and for the opportunities that i've been given by my professor.
    I'm thankfull for being a bellydancer and a teacher because sharing my knowledge is great.
    I'm thankfull for my Bubble that cheers me up whenever I see him.
    I'm happy I found a man who I can talk with and hope things will work when he comes back... so maybe next year he will be in a higher position of the list :).
    I'm thankfull for every child that today is surviving in the world, and not dying.
    I'm thankfull because every day that I wake up, i look out of the window and see the trees, the sky, the clouds and the mountains.
    I wish I could say I'm thankfull for my friends, but my only real friends are my mum and my angel. I'm thankfull I have a lot of friends on the internet though.
  16. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Don't celebrate thanksgiving here in sweden.. but happy thxgivn to everyone who does!

    ... just for the sake of things:
    I'm thankful for being alive, since that was a close call a couple of times. I'm thankful that I have such wonderful friends that lets me be there for them. I'm thankful that I have seen so much of the bad things in life, so I know what to be grateful for. I'm thankful for my country that keeps me secure in times of chrisis, and I'm thankful for my parents that really been there for me even when I wasn't there for them.

    I'm thankful that life hasn't been easy on me, and I'm thankful that I still got so much left of the good things:D.

    I'm thankful for (the music.. the songs I'm singing... *goes ABBA*) the fact that I can go to university. I'm thankful for the fact that if I cry alone at night, I have friends to call that would come instantly.

    I'm thankful for the fact that I can pay my rent and that I can afford food.
    I'm thankful that I can dance.
    I'm thankful that I can write.

    Theres is always heaps of things.
    But I think still it all boils down to being thankful even for the hard times, coz they make you who you are and helps you being an understanding loving human being.
  17. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I just celebrated my first thanksgiving with a lovely family in Washington DC. I think the idea of Thanksgiving is wonderful....

    I am thankful for the good blessings and wonderful luck I've had on my travels.
    I am thankful for my new friends who have helped me on my travels.
    I am thankful for my supportive friends and family
    I am thankful for my parent's desire for good things for me, and their willingness to sacrifice what was needed to get that for me (and my bro).
    I am thankful that I am happy
    I am thankful that I have goals and a plan to achieve them
    I am thankful that I have done what I set out to do.
  18. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I'm thankful for the two unemployment extensions granted this year. Mr. Bush did something right on his way out.
  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Thankful that I didn't have to eat anybody's bullshit thanksgiving dinner for the first time. Tired of my mom bitching to me about that. Ain't like turkey and all that other shit tastes that good anyway. Give me bread and butter and I'm good.
  20. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I don't like the turkey either. I always eat the other shit though.

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