Happy Birthday Kimbo!

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by Inner Beauty, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    Happy Belated Birthday, Kimbo!!! I'm glad that you had a wonderful day. You deserved it!!! :smt113
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I was just reading another post of you and could see your high sensitivity- so I was remembering something I received on my birthday a few years ago- hope it helps a little bit..

    A birthday is a day, when you feel lonely- so you need someone, who takes care of you. That´s the reason, why I am sending you an angel- someone today will cross your way, who makes you smile- when you see that person, remember- you are not alone.
  3. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    That is very nice christine.

    When life throws you a curve, your mind do sometimes try to play tricks on you. Thats why I try not to make my work all consuming. BTW, how are YOU doing??? ALWAYS a plesure to hear from you.
  4. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Its time you start sharing your signature picture.....I have never seen a photo that can take over an imagination so quickly .....the thing says everything!........ with-out showing........ Anything!...........Happy belated my brother

  5. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    ALWAYS a pleasure to make you smile- I nearly feel bad to say, but my life is fantastic at the moment. I was winning a very important case, I am fighting now since more than two years, a lot of businesses I was working the whole last year on are running now very nice and easy,I am travelling a lot, what I always love (except my adventure in Athens), start new projects, my Champagne Bar gets betterand better every day.. all together I have to be very happy.My private life is not 100%, but I am in good hope , sometimes..

    You feel better, at least a little bit?
  6. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    I feel better, yes.

    I have to remember you are from another country. When you stated your businesses were running well, I was confused for a moment. The GFC or Great Financial Crisis here in the states has done a number on many businesses.

    The banks, being the central financial arm of most businesses in this country, is going through an overhaul from the government. Half the time they don't even know whats going on. Do we give credit or not, give out loans or not, etc. which is causing a lot of businesses to be uncertain as to what they can do.

    There has to come a stabilizing point where all of the uncertainty ends. Many people are trying to guess when that will be but no one knows for sure.

    As far as my love life goes, I was surprised at so many women who liked me from afar. Because I was in a committed relationship, they would never say anything but once they found out my relationship was over, they are coming forward with how they truly feel.

    Right now, I'm just concentrating on damage control so a relationship is out of the question for the moment. But you know how irresistable some of you adult women can be. Thats why I stated there are some fantastic ww out there. Some women are very intuitive, just like YOU are. Always seem to be one step ahead, know what you're thinking even before you do.

    It can be a little unreal sometimes, its as if they are reading your mind. Now I am a black man yet, its ww who are connecting with me like this, go figure.
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm so glad you're feeling better beautiful man...hope this continues to happen and you reap the rewards of your positivity and hard work that you're putting in now. :smt058
  8. KimboSlice

    KimboSlice New Member

    Thank you Arch.

    If you've ever taken a woman to that point of pure sexual ecstasy, then yes, my signature photo says a lot. Actually, I am putting together a book of erotic photos, with many of the pictures being just like the one in my signature. Just by looking at the expression on the woman's face tells it all. No need for nudity, sexual positions, nothing. The photo doesn't even have to be in color.

    Its the expression on her face at that precise moment, can drive your imagination wild.
  9. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Switzerland is still economically better- but of course also here we have problems. Since a few years citizens of the EU can live and work here and Switzerland is really a very small country- so it appears that we explode sometimes. But anyway that Champagne Bar is the only one, which is located here, at a place, where statistically every second citizen is millionaire and where are more companies than citizens- the rest of businesses are internationally. Based on different countries.

    It makes me happy that you are desired by a lot of women and they seem to be serious as you describe them. Hope and wish that you fall in love with one of them very quickly, as long as you promise to show up on board from time to time..

    At a certain point of time I noticed you very intense and I started to read all your posts from the beginning, I know you deserve it!
  10. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    tyrone puts this expression on a woman's face with very little effort...

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