Hands up and police still shoot and kill.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by archangel, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It looks like Mr. Gilbert Flores was gunned down by the police after surrendering with his hands up.


    After KSAT news released the video of this(because the police wold love to keep this crap under the rug), the police went after the news statiopn that was just doing their jobs correctly(if the officers had done their jobs correctly, you wouldn't be on the news because the public supports good cops and not what appears to be bad cops murdering a man in cold blood which is what this is all about. You never see people protesting the good cop that is helping an old lady across the street or deescalating an argument between neighbor because the community supports that!!!)

    They posted this on their facebook page:

    KSAT news fired back with:

    That police department needs to get their crap together. You don't want to release videos. Why is that? If the second video shows differently, then release it so that your reputation is not tarnish. If you have to hide these videos from the public and attack the media for doing their jobs correctly, it gives the appearance that you are hiding something sinister that happened. It gives the appearance that your men did kill this man in cold blood and that you are protecting bad cops.
  2. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Cops are too quick to draw their weapon. Period. They "protect and serve" themselves.
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They were already set to lie and say dude charged them...then the video surfaces.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    The cops sent the video to george lucas for editing after that then u will see the vid

  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    That's why I'm not surprised we're seeing more cases of random police officers killed for no apparent reason.

    If LE won't seek justice against all the corrupt officers in their ranks or the system that protects them, justice will be given on the streets.

    Police are way too comfortable committing straight up murder because they know they can get away with this shit.

    If those vigilant citizens didn't break out their cell cams, nobody would question another lie concocted by police to cover up a murder.

    The scary thing is, odds are this isn't the first time these psychos murdered a civilian in Texas.

    People across this country are waking up to the ugly truth that some of the worst bad guys in America work in law enforcement.
  6. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Dumb gun worshippers, drunk with power.

    Dude probably dreamed of shooting somebody for most of his life.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    From my understanding on some reports, it was a domestic violence situation... that Flores had harmed an 18- month-okd baby and stabbed a woman in the neck, which is why 911 was called. That he would not obey orders to get down and had the knife in his hand? (the new video apparently shows it??) Could be wrong.

    If not intentional, then the 2 rounds fired sounds like an antsy cop trigger finger discharge. Normally it's 100 bullets, yeah? Two is a whoops, oh shit, l done fucked up here and fired.
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Doubt the worshippers theory. More like punks that got their asses kicked in highschool. Too much of a sissy to take off the badge and gun and challenge you like a man.

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