I have a question for the folks here men and women do you know your status? I got checked today and was negative, I must admit I was nervous as hell because I did some dumb things. So do you know your status?
I've been checked several times, partially because I've stung myself on used needles a couple of times (worked in a hospital). I'm going to take a test again next week acctually. Pregnant women are checked automatically here (to start preventing spreading to the baby). To my knowledge, I'm negative (I was on the last test), and I'm not worried at all before the new test...I find it incredibly unlikely that I should have gotten it.
Negative. And I made my BF go and get checked also. Maybe this is being classed as racist - but my BF is from Zim, and it has one of the highest infection rates in the world - around 30%. I was happy to risk offending him in asking him to get checked for everything. After all - you only get one life, and I wasn't going to risk mine over a guy. He was negative also! And they all get tested before they're allowed into the country (thank you John Howard!) haha :lol:
Not racist... realistic and carefull I haven't gotten my BF checked. He's lived in Europe most of his adult life, Cameroon "only" have 5-6% HIV, and he's not into ONS. So I reconed it was fairly safe. I was seriously considering it though, but he's been tested so many times already as well (pretty much every time he changes country of residence). If he'd been from anywhere in Southern Africa though, I wouldn't have hesitated for a second.
I live in DC which has an insane H.I.V A.I.D.S rate so I just knew I had to get tested,don't get me wrong I don't sling my stuff around like a mad man but I just had to know my status. I also did it because my new girl wanted me to get one also.
I got tested two years ago and was negative. I will do so again. I might have to do so every year. I had my girlfriend so likewise. That AIDS scare the hell out of me. I limit contact only with my girlfriend, though others have tried to get me. These days you cannot judge a book by it's cover. They look good, but it could be deadly.
My ex boyfriend had gotten checked briefly before we met, and after we got together, I got checked. And we were both negative Then we quit using the condoms He's from Ghana so was definately wanting to know.. Although he is definately not a promiscious type - you never do know.
I got checked after my ex-husbadn cheated. I made my Bf get checked and I got rechecked, both of us are negative. We do use condoms anyway.
Yup got checked a few years ago, I never have sex without condoms and if I would go there only before he and I got tested for any possible STD out there as I'd like to stay healthy... :lol:
Yep. Got tested a few weeks ago. When i was much younger, i never used to check up (even though i was doing so much foolish stuff) but now, i check up very often. Of course, waiting for the results is perhaps the most tense moment of it.
A real, REAL good way to find out is to donate blood. If you have it, they will definetely let you know. In the meantime, you could be saving someone's life.
INJERA70, I did not mean you specifically, dawg. I meant anyone..."the populous at large." I know you safe (despite all of the M-A-N-Y temptations DC presents). Very familiar with how good it can be. Went to school there and "studied" just like every other young, healthy African-American man surrounded by numerous, very attractive women....LOL!!!!!!