Guy at work *sigh*

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by maiseycat, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    everybody was kung fu fiiightin'........

    those cats were fast as lightning.....

  2. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    :D :D :D AWW Officer J, I meant verbally attacking me lol You funny, you know I'm mad now :evil: Like Leroy in The Last Dragon
    I'm just j/k'n partna :lol:
  3. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Hold up now, I never gave veiled threats about violence, as you put it. I'm just giving a friendly reminder to our resident LWJ that if you "joke around" with too many people, one day you're going to piss off the wrong one and end up in serious trouble. I'm personally not one for violence, but I did spend two years in a pretty shady hood, and have seen some bad stuff go down that started with minor "joking around." I don't think violence is the way to solve problems - I'm a pacist myself - but it happens. You don't know how your words will affect someone, so chose them wisely or keep your mouth shut. And don't think that just because someone is a little sensitive white girl, it means she's an easy target for you. I knew a 20-year-old girl who had two big dudes trying to rob her home. She took out her husband's rifle and shot them both dead. So, never pre-judge who you're messing with. Some people are a waste of space, pure and simple, and they never think they're going to be held accountable - but justice often wins. Speaking of that, yes, Sifu, you're right, I'm leaving our troll alone. Let's not feed him and maybe he'll go away. :)
  4. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    How am i a troll?? a young black male that loves white women. But like any guy on here, i cant stand bipolar deviants like yourself.
  5. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    LOL.....he's scared
  6. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Especially with white women cuz they are so fuckin sensitive

    So this generalized statement about WW, coming from a cat who loves WW

    When someone makes generalized negative statements about BM, they are labeled as racists and bigots.
  7. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Nah,,if someone made a generalized statement about black men being aggresive(or insensitive)..,,.i'd be fine with it,,,,

    I honestly dont think being "fuckin sensitive" is a negative thing at fact i tend to especially like women with high level of passion(sensitivity). But im also a joker though. I make fun of people (regardles of sex) that get aggrevated easily. I dunno its just something ive done since i was a kid.

    If i know a guy is a homophobe....i'll take him to a gay club blind folded...

    Hes scared of spiders??...i'll throw some under his shirt..

    things like that
  8. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    First you wrote I was scared she would break me off next then you changed it to I'm just scared. Of who? I'm a whole lot more scared of a confrontation with someone like Maisy, then you. I'm scared to have a young lady that mad at me because I'm a gentlemen, thats how I was raised - not be a punk who brags about berating women until they "cry".
    I like to fight men, I was the second ranked golden gloves heavy-weight, going into '96,fought a lot before that, I been knocking cats out since way back when you were just stealing porn magz.
  9. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    Phwoa! can we see a picture?
  10. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Good lord...

    Wtf is this?

    So you gonna box me through the screen now??..unclench your claws tiger..., nobody in here wants to fight you,,,,
  11. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Thanks Sifu! BMJ doesn't know the meaning of the word "gentleman". He obvious has had no home training whatsoever. He doesn't understand women or respect for people in general- we can't change a rude person who is rude to the core! I don't know why he is even on this site. I have absolutely no respect for him whatsoever, and any women with him more than 5 minutes wouldn't either.
  12. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Who said anything about fighting you? Are you illiterate? Read what I wrote again, I said I fight MEN, so you don't qualify! And there is no need for you to write that you don't want to fight me, I know that.
  13. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    :D Yeah true, I guess this really is more of a kids kinda place anyways, so maybe I'll try to find some blog thats more about communication (respectful) between WW and BM. Thats what I was looking for. And this ain't it.
  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    w/e dude
  15. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Not to sidetrack the thread, but I could have made this exact statement, word for word. Ex wife, great friends, living within a mile from one another, break up in 99, married for four years, L.A. area, etc. If our paths do not parallel, then I don't know who's does.


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