Guy at work *sigh*

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by maiseycat, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

  2. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Just stop by and visit him.

    ...buuutt if hes married than i dont know what you're trying to get out of it
  3. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    I don't really expect to get anything out of it, other than friendship. I'm not into getting with a married man even if he was interested in that.
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Oh ok then go see him.
  5. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    I think I will. Wish me luck! :) Thanks for the advice.
  6. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

  7. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Your gonna wind up falling for a guy you can't have and being hurt more, just let the friendship be casual, you are obviously attracted to him, you said you find him attractive. All that other shit with the Sam cat got you worked up because you care how he views you, so you already fear him rejecting you over the wrong reasons. You don't want to bring this puppy home if you can't keep him know what I mean, cause you may fall in love and just wind up being more sad or bothered by the situation. You don't have to see him much at work anymore, and you should know better than getting involved with someone you work around IF you can help it, what if something you start with someone at work ends, or ends bad? Then you gotta be around them (like faking sickness over Sam then emailing your boss and getting your hours changed?) Why torture yourself by getting into a situation like that. He probably does think your weird, based on his change in demeanor around you, and The Sam cat probably did say something or give some look that meant something. Guys are usually just as caddy as women can be.
  8. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Gee, thanks, that's really nice and helpful. :roll: If someone thinks I'm weird because I want to avoid working with a Shithead like Sam, then I guess they're right - I'm weird. :roll: I don't feel bad for reporting his behavior - I'd do it again. This job means very little to me - it's just a stepping stone until I can get out of here. The switching hours wasn't a big deal as employees move their hours for a myriad of reasons all the time. Also, if Reem did actually listen to Sam and believe anything he has to say about me, then he isn't someone I want to have any association with. That is what I wanted to find out, though I'm not sure I even care anymore. There also wasn't any "change in demeanor" from Reem - he often ignores me when he comes in, and only approaches me and starts talking to me later. It's like he's shy and has to work up to it or something. I don't know. I've come to the conclusion that, like what you said above, it probably isn't worth it. Even if we connected, I don't see much of a future in it. He does have other female friends that I know he's not in love with, but from my experience, male/female friendships usually don't work out. So, I guess if I see him around, I'll see how it goes.
  9. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    it's not about him having female friends that you "know" he's not in love with. It's about you getting hurt, because of the way you feel, or feelings that may develop. I have great female friends, a lot of them I met at work, and we work together for different companies on different projects all the time. But the best female friend I have is my ex-wife, we were married for 4 years got divorced in '99 and live less than a mile from each other. She's a great mom, and I get along great with her. Shoot I got female friends from the fifth grade that I still talk to, to this day, and I've got a fifth grader now myself! So, I guess I'm saying my experience with friends being female has been cool, but then I love women so....
  10. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Oh and when I do kick it with my married or involved female friends, it's usually a double date or group thing. Maybe we talk on the phone sometimes, but you don't wanna make anyones wife jealous either. Right?
    And you don't have to :roll: your eyes at me I was just trying to give you my perspective ok, I'm only 36 so if theres one thing I know, it's that I know that I know very little. But I'm willing to help :D and I hate to hear about anyone being hurt so there it is.
  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im not trying to pile on m-cat, but I was just wondering: how old are you? Because you seem to let small things or the most obvious things bug the hell out of you. Since your original posts have been deleted, Im not quite sure whats going on at your job, but Sifu gave you great advice you should have heard a long time ago: "Dont get involved with people you work with! Its a recipe for disaster!"

    Then, if one of the guys you like is married, regardless if he's separated or whatever lie married men tell women to get with them, that should have been a hint and a half right there. But if you still let yourself get feeling for him, then maybe you should look a little more at yourself and forget about recieving advice from people who know little to nothing about you.

    Some people have self-destructive behavior. Dating married men, cheating on their signifigant other, dating bad boys/girls, dating co-workers...and Im not saying you do, but I got to put it out there.

    But anyway, if you want some good advice...

    1) Find you someone away from work to date.
    2) Dont let people with "sh*t for brains" (BMJ) get under your skin. Misery loves company, and you bought a first class ticket on the *sshole Express.

    And as for BMJ...ive read some of your post. Why are you here?...
  12. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    lol what exactly did i do or say??
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Based on her original post. she said shes 26........

    And honestly..i think shes an idiot. THAT is why she gets annoyed easily. THAT is why that guy was bothering her because he knew this about her...

    Ive done the exact same thing to sensitive ppl cuz its funny as can be joking around and the person takes things to me is the funiest thing in the world. Especially with white women cuz they are so fuckin sensitive

    Like this one time i was working with a white chick who hates racism....i mean,,shes REPULSED by we were doing some door to door activity,,,marketting products and i started blaming her for stealin my customers..." so you stealin my shit cuz iim black?.."....loooooll....the girl began crying,,,she even gave me 50% of her profit.....

    Its all about knowing someones soft spot,,,and using it against funny as hell..
  14. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

  15. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    not funny

    That bmj is not funny! Like i mentioned once before-they have therapy for sick individuals like yourself! Don't you know that someday your actions will come back to bite you!!! Just because a person is sensitive doesn't mean your project your asshole behavior and victimize them!!
  16. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member


    Oh and by the way- aren't you a REAL MAN-YOU CAN MAKE A SENSITIVE WHITE GIRL CRY!
  17. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    We all have a different sense of humour. And to me, making sensitive peepls cry is how i gets mean,,,i wouldnt just laugh at someone who's clearly going through hard times. But if i know a person (like the white chick i just mentioned) and i know shes nothing but a rich white girl who thinks just cuz she loves suckin black cock that shes suddenly a black super hero, thats when i'll attack.

    This girl i mentioned liked me alot too. And she went on and on about how cute mixed kids are, how she wanted mixed babies..and how she hated racism......she was just asking for it.....
  18. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    WhiteLittleJimmee, you're quite amusing, and it's obvious from your other posts that you're a troll. You're probably a small-dicked white guy. You're obviously small-dicked and very insecure about yourself. Way to generalize white women as being sensitive. Then get yourself a black woman and leave us all alone because I don't see anyone here who wants you around. If you think it's funny to pick on sensitive people, well, I think it's funny when people like you pick on the wrong person and end up smashed into the ground. No lie, won't be calling me sensitive now, will you? I know some strong, insensitive men from my old neighborhood who will rearrange the face of someone like you for $20.

    I don't consider myself especially sensitive, though I don't tolerate people who are a complete waste of space. I rarely meet them, but when I do it's so obvious what they're about because they're almost always little short men (who are probably equally short downstairs) who are like little dogs wanting attention. They can't get people to like them so they tear them down. If at all possible, I won't keep company with those types, and it very rarely comes up that I've had to share a workspace with one, not since high school, anyway. With the last little bully, it turns out he's getting a taste of his own medicine. I won't get into details as I'm just so glad this is all resolved, but I've cleared things up with Reem :D , and it turns out Sam is in trouble with two very important parties for two different instances. Revenge is so sweet, and the great thing is that I didn't have to do anything! As for LittleWhiteJimmee, I'm reporting him to the mods. He's obviously a troll who needs to take a fall into the river....
  19. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Yikes. :shock:
  20. Sifu

    Sifu New Member

    Maiseycat - Don't you know you are sinking to his level? Veiled threats about violence? Goading him with the little dick insults? Making nasty comments about his picture in another tread? C'mon, if your "above" people like that show us. Don't tell us, show us. Clownin someone a little and letting it go is cool but damn you are really sinking to a fools level. You seem way better than that! If you act a fool to get even with a FOOL, dosen't that make you look like a fool? And please don't try to attack me too, I'm really trying to hip you to some real shit ok? Leave this fool alone - lets not make this a place no one wants to be able to really talk and be open with one another due to the HIGH level of childishness, PLEASE. I really like coming here and reading what YOU and everyone else has to say, I really do. This is getting way beyond shit talkin so Here is YOUR chance to show everyone who the BIGGER person is. Whatcha gonna do?

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