Gratuitous "me me me" birth announcement post!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Iffy'swifey, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Hello all, long time no post etc.

    I have been around much lately as I've been very busy having another baby!

    Nneka arrived, 9 days early on the 10th of September and is a very healthy girl. Her birth was horrible - in short: 20 hours of labour at home (was a planned home birth) then I had to be transferred to hospital by ambulance but only got as far as hospital car park where she was born! All very dramatic, thankfully things have calmed down now!

    Hope everyone is OK, particularly the Naija contingent!
  2. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Congratulations Tash!!! was just thinking today that it was a shame you had stopped posting so much - get back on here when you next get some time away from the babbies :wink: Take care x
  3. WhiteSheDevil

    WhiteSheDevil New Member

    WOW! Iffey's wifey! Congratulations, I hope her birth isn't a precusor for things to come! I hope she is a sweet biddable baby with no colic!

    I don't know how you did it, 20hrs with no pain meds, my hat is off to you!
  4. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Iffey's Wifey - Congrats!!
  5. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Congrats to you and your family
  6. KnCA

    KnCA New Member


    Would love to see pictures :)
  7. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

  8. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    Congratulations you mother of two, you :)
  9. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Congrats and best wishes! :)
  10. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Congratulations :)
  11. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Thank you everyone! Nneka was weighed again today and it putting on weight very nicely - so the boob juice is doing it's job well!
  12. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Congratulations oh, mama Nneka. I hope ur pikin is doing fine. It's funny everyone is giving birth now as my twins are arriving in the 14th of November. So i can really relate to your joy right now. I cannot express it enough, i'm sure. How is Iffy and Imade? I'm sure they must thrilled right now. I wish you guys the best and hope for the best myself.
  13. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Chris I was wondering how things were going for you and your family. Oh you must be so excited! Good luck and WOHOOO to soon welcoming two more Scorpios to planet earth yayyyy
  14. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    I was wondering when your twins were due - not long at all now, eek! November will be a good month for IR Nigerians - Imade's birthday on the 5th and your twins due 9 days later!

    I SINCERELY wish you the best of luck with them and your partner a complication free labour however she chooses to give birth - or however someone else chooses for her!

    My top tips - get Clary Sage Essential Oil for her to siff if she is having a "natural birth" and some Cypress Essential Oil to help heal her "bits".

    Sleep when your babies sleep and let the housework wait.

    Stock up on home cooking and freeze it for instand nutritious food in those tiresome early days.

    Lay down the law with visitors - if you don't you may be overwhelmed.
  15. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member


    :D Congratulations.
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

  17. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member


    I hope to be a father one day..........
  18. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Congratulations :smt038 :smt038

    Children are such a blessing :!:
  19. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Congratulations to you and your family!!
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    congratulations on your growing almost makes me want another one :smt017 on second thought no...i'll just stick with the one i have...enjoy them while they are little...they grow up so fast...

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