Anyone who lives in North Carolina on this forum, this is very important news. Shows just how racist and sexist white men in power are. It's also more proof that racism against us and Hispanics is definitely on the rise in this country and we can't figure out a way to reverse the dislike leveled against us by the public.
Racism isn't on the rise in this country,it's the same as it's always been, just more people across the board of all races have refused to acknowledge that it still exist & is a problem. Never mind the fact that racist of all colors now openly peddle their ignorance as "free speech", especially on the internet, and cry "FOUL" & claim that their rights are being stumped on or paint others as being the racists anytime someone takes a stand & calls them out on their stupidity.
Years ago, I remember Joe Scarborough saying this statement,"The First Amendment in the Constitution gives us the right to be wrong." Well, it does, at that. It protects anyone for using views, no matter how horrendous they may be, from being punished for it. The writer's of the Constitution had probably saw years ahead when they came up with the First Amendment. Which is why we have so many media outlets to choose from to read, view and listen to and to respond in turn. In these outlets, a person may have a show or forum where they can say whatever they like without fear of punishment. Of course, they do so at their own peril(Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Laura paid a price, yet they are still on the air).
I agree with Ra's comment above. Racism has always been here and isn't necessarily on the rise, just the ubiquitous media and social friction exacerbated by economic conditions and the obvious added dimension of the president's race are bringing it to the fore. In earlier times, white racism was an unchallenged fact with little or no effective resistance by those it was turned toward in society. Nowadays people talk back, fight back and it's sharpening the contradictions in society.
Mikey,I'm well informed of the foolishness that goes on in my state. Even Rachel Maddow came to my state. Yelton and other politicians are idiots. Another legislator dissed the Prez saying he is not a traitor because he was born in Kenya. Nice there is free speech since it brings out the clowns.
Personnally, I agree that Yelton can say whatever he wants, but that doesn't mean the establishment he represents,, nor the people outside of it have to stand for it socially. On a gnneral note, I think that iit is hard to gage where the level" of racism is these days. Years past, we knew where everyoone stood, because we had to stand separate.. Now, it's our right to stand together, & we have media & communication at an all time high, also increasing with time & the advancement of tecchnolgy. Has it increased with time? Stayed the same?Has it decreased? Are all hard to gage with instant communication in the mix. Are we just hearing aabout it more, because of instant communication. In spite of population growth, I think there is less racismm from whites against blacks. Not by much though. But add in all the anti-black sentiment from other ethnicities with instant communication & it is//seems like more.