Good wishes in bad times

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by christine dubois, Mar 29, 2020.

  1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    This school opening is risky, kids come home and how on earth can be practiced social distancing there?
  2. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    No social distancing for sure! I’m slightly optimistic though-numbers are declining and they were talking of opening some shops and businesses first, not necessarily schools. Provided new infections are in the low triple digits or double digits. So let’s give it two more weeks and let’s see what they are actually planning.
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I just don't get how the people who don't get it treat it like it's no big deal or some kind of joke. I just got word that my employer was notified that an employee has tested positive for the virus. No one in my department has been exposed to or shared and workspace or had contact with this person (I was told they didn't work in the same building we do), but it still scares me! I hope the person and anyone who's been exposed to the person will be okay. I wish we didn't have to leave the house for work at all; I'd much prefer being able to hide out at home. My stomach is in knots right now!

    This whole thing has me on an emotional roller coaster! I'm sure I'm not the only one who's all over the place right now's exhausting! I worry about my son, my mother, and of course the rest of my friends and family. I'm also one to worry about everyone else whether I know them or not. Sometimes I'm calm, but then the anxiety hits and feel like freaking out. I'm also trying to keep my thoughts positive and do a lot of praying, which helps a lot. I have serious doubts for various reasons about how well I'll be able to handle it if I do get this crap.
  4. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Aww Tam!!! virtual hugs hon

    I realized the other night that since I'm still working and finishing grad school I've been doing the bury yourself in work and avoid it all. I'm not in denial, just not able to really deal with any of it right now because I HAVE to do whatever I can to get this shit DONE! I saw a couple of people I know the other day and I was so excited to see them but of course, had to keep a distance and then after I was so sad. I think it's easier when I'm at home at my desk staying overly busy and keeping it all compartmentalized.
  5. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    I totally understand your anxiety and the stomach in knots part-that’s how I felt at first when the wave of Corona swept over us. I couldn’t even eat (at least that’s been helping to drop the baby weight, thanks Corona;-)). I encourage you to focus on the promises of God, Psalm 91. Do what you can do to stay safe and leave the rest to Him. We’ll get through this.
  6. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I understand you very well, Tammy, this anxiety for everyone you love, the loss of control of your decisions, this invisible virus on your neck, but also this medical unknowning of this monster. You try to protect yourself and the people around you- and then someone, stupid an ignorant, destroys all your effort. At the beginning of March, I talked to my Mom that she has to stay at home- isolate herself. Well, it was difficult to make it understandable to her without scaring her to death. It were hard 10 days to wait , whether she is infected. One day, she called me, crying and full of fear that she has fever and is coughing. My heart stood still, I tried to be normal and told her to keep calm. Luckily two days later, she felt better and the 10 days of incubation period was over. I could breath again, I wa able to keep my anxiety under control- till my sister went into her apartment- and she is this typical ignorant, stupid person that doesn't care- she behaves and moves like always. I was outraged, called her and warned her- if my Mom gets sick, because of her stupidity, she'll never get happy again. The point, why I tell you this, is, you can try the best, what's possible, but you are not responsible, if it comes different. I couldn't sleep many nights, I was and am nervous- but it gets better, believe me. We are all in the same situation, it helps to talk about the fear we carry in us.
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, K, I needed that!

    It's definitely easier when you're too busy to be thinking about it. Majority of the time I have enough to keep me with work and projects I've got going on, but certain things make it hit me and throw me off. It also doesn't help that I have a writer's imagination and mind that won't shut up.

    I agree and appreciate the encouragement and reminder; thank you, Madeleine. Turning to God is what's keeping me mostly sane right now. When I have my moments, I take it to Him, which helps me A LOT.

    Thanks, Christine. I hope your mom stays well, and that your sister didn't expose her to anything. It wasn't easy trying to explain what was going on to my mother, and I think she's only beginning to understand it. She's been pretty much stuck at home for a while before everything due to loss of transportation, which is a blessing right now. I think she'd still be trying to go more than she should be if she still had a car. What worries me most is that she's been letting my nephew and his girlfriend stay there, and I don't think they're staying away from other people. Granted he's 19 and stupid like most 19 year olds, but I don't think he gets the seriousness either. It's so frustrating. We also pick up her groceries for her and she keeps forgetting the safety routine we have in place and wants to hug us or just get too close. It hurts her feelings when I remind her, but I told her I'd rather that than for her to get sick and die. I think that helped it sink in a little bit for her. I do find myself trying to take care of everyone and feel bad when I can't, but you're right, it's not my responsibility to do more than I'm able to do.

    Today has been a much better day, mostly because I've been keeping extra busy.
  8. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    No new infection in Basel today! Going in the right direction!
  9. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I hope you and your family is still fine, and yes, it's stressful
  10. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Yes! But , we have to remind to remain disciplined :) every single day
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    So far so good, and hopefully everyone will stay fine. Thank you. I hope things are getting better for you. [​IMG]
  12. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Christine good to hear from you sincerely sorry for your troubles and wishing you the very best of health and everything else take care.
  13. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Hi Loki! The worst is over, our infection rate is low at the moment and the people are disciplined. The shock was pretty cruel. I hope you and your loved ones are doing fine- take care!
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Many thanks Christine. From last November of 20 l'm glad you are fine and well.

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