How come when a Black man with money,starts to date a white girl,people(Bw especially) assume that shes only with the dude because of his money?Whatever happened to her being attracted to him all-around?I mean,i understand with cases like flavor flav.I get why alot of women wouldnt be attracted to him but would date him and use him for his money.But what about dudes like Tyson beckford and etc,a guy like him is less likely to encounter a gold digger that wants him JUST for his money,right? I often hear sisters making this case,acting like a black woman isnt capable of gold digging.
In the case of white folks it's because they are prejudiced and racist and try to come up with reasons why such a pretty and nice girl didn't "do better" than a black man. :roll: :evil:
Because his eyes have been opened and he realizes that if he can come up on some dollars, then anything is possible. True love however has no price-tag.
Yea I think so,too. White people,especially men,are said to be "collectors" that are about my house,my car,my kids,... And money makes that possible And sure there are some white gold diggers,but there are also asian,latin and black gold diggers. Stereotypes occur when people notice a certain behavior on others that can be put in a certain group or category and just conclude it must be like that with anyone who can be put in that category. And negative characteristics are more likely to be noticed and spoken out
Sums it up nicely... Its a defense mechanism built into "White Supremacy" As somebody once said - "Your still a nigga, if your poor, your a poor nigga, if your rich, your just nigga with money...." Point being attaining higher levels of wealth, education or social status doesn't change the fact that your skin is darker than Elitist White Males, bottom-line, end of story. From a Black Woman's perceptive (of course this has been covered Ad nauseam); she (collectively) thinks Black Men feel they can't handle a "strong" woman used to be thrust into the roll of being both parents. Black Men (collectively) feel; As being taught to be the head of the house in the face of a general lack of available husbands on the market, many Black Women are confrontational, vindictive and conniving. Of course NONE of that is completely true. However in any stereotype there is a sliver of truth. What REALLY happens, is what is being taught to Black Children especially those that come from middle class households compared to what's being said in generally poor households. In Poor areas its "Hate/Fear Whitey, Stick To Your Own Kind" mentality In Middle-Class/Upper Class areas its "You can do anything and have anything you want" Of course children that are parents of Generation X children might feel differently than parents that were born during the Baby Boom or slightly before, when they were adults during the Civic Rights movement. This is a tired subject actually and the fact is the numbers are QUITE small in the grand scheme of things. IR relationships are increasing but that's overall, not just between Black and White which is a Flash point of controversy that Elitist White Males use to keep us divided The late George Carlin - As I have been saying lately - TO TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH even if it HURTS.