Going to Moscow for Spring Break

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by Bryant, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. Newpowermoves

    Newpowermoves New Member

    Bryant, I don't know if you're already familiar with this website but if not, visit travel.state.gov/travel/warnings.html.

    It's the U.S. Government's international travel alerts website. This site will give you information regarding travel alerts and warnings, specific country information as well as the history of the country to plan to visit. I believe there's a link on this page that informs you of how to contact the U.S. embassy during your visit abroad.
  2. Hypestyle

    Hypestyle Active Member

    hm... I'd love to visit moscow, but only in temperate weather (summer?).. definitely not winter.. what are the ladies like out there? does a brother even have a chance?
  3. DI

    DI New Member

    oh yea, a brother has a chance for sure! :D
  4. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Just thought i'd update everybody on my plans. My spring break has already come and gone, and i decided not to go to Moscow. Something that i didn't mention (purposely) was the fact that i was going there to see a girl that i've been talking to for over a year (i already know how crazy that sounds...trust me lol) but things sort of fell apart with her at the last minute and there was no longer any reason for me to make that trip. I would still like to see some of these places that Soulthinker and DJ are always talking about though....one day. :wink:
  5. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Things happen for a reason Bryant... Moscow is really a dangerous city for a non-white man. People get attacked constantly who are not even foreigners. There are non-Slavic men who were born in Moscow and lived there their whole lives and they get killed!

    See below, this is Russian news:
    ?????? ?? ????
    - ? ?????? ???????? ????? ??????? ?? ???????????? - Lenta.Ru, 19.03.2002 Skinheads killed an Azerbaijani in Moscow- ?????????? ???????? ?????? ? ????? ??????????? ???? - Lenta.Ru, 10.03.2002 Skinheads assaulted a Sri Lancan married couple in Moscow- ? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????? - Lenta.Ru, 06.03.2002 A skinhead shot two Azerbaijanis in Moscow

    Russian skinheads, aren't they adorable?

    Moscow 2008. Skinheads tried to distub an anti-fascist concert but were stopped by the police.

    This 40-year-old lady in Ekaterinburg, Russia had her eyes poked out by skinheads. Her only fault was being Muslim. She is a native-born Russian citizen from one of indigenous Muslim regions of Russia.

    This Russian Jewish man was assaulted in Moscow.

    This lady is a Russian-born citizen from the region of Tuva, she was assaulted in St Petersburg along with a Russian man who stuck up for her. The assault occured on the subway at 2:00pm. She is a journalist and was in St Petersburg on a work trip.

    Non-white Moscow students from the People's Friendship University protesting assaults.

    These students have created a list of the most dangerous cities for a non-white person:
    #1 Voronezh
    #2 St Petersburg
    #3 Moscow

    In action (Moscow). This picture is from an article about the murder that happened in southwest Moscow (where I'm from actually) on 10/22/2007. The victim was a Yakut, a Russian-born citizen from the Far East region of Yakutia. The body of the victim showed 10 knife wounds and he was also beaten with boots and bats. The victim was an international chess champion.
  6. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm cool on all that shit. I have no intentions of seeing Moscow ever. Pictures are good enough.

    As for London and Sweden.... :D
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    You reap what you sow.....that's all I have to say.

    :smt067 :smt072
  8. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    You're probably right Moskvichka. Everything does happen for a reason, and i know now that it was probably best for me not to make that trip anyway. It's a shame though. I hear Moscow is such a beautiful place to visit.
  9. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Sorry,you are unable to go. I hope one day you can come to Russia to see her.
  10. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Moscow USED TO be safe for non-whites years ago. Not right now. :cry: You may want to wait it out and see if things change at some point.
  11. DI

    DI New Member

    hmmmm....yea, it happens, but....ppl make it look worse than it is in the reality. :roll: but u re absolutely right, Moscvichka, things happen for a reason.
  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Today's news: a Vietnamese lady has been brutally murdered in north Moscow, subway station "Rechnoy vokzal" after she walked out of a foodstore. Five knife wounds to the chest and a slit throat. The police are looking for the two young murdereres.

    I'm not trying to be gruesome but let's acknowledge reality. Yes, there are plenty of non-whites in Moscow. It doesn't mean that they are safe.
  13. Jake_Vig

    Jake_Vig New Member

    That sucks. Hate to see things have degenerated to this level. Been to Moscow once. But didn't stay nearly as long as I wanted. Fascinating place.

    I plan on going back one day.
  14. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah ive seen reports on the attacks on foreigners in russia.Apparently,the government/police are very empathetic to the whole situation.Alot of the attackers are not caught.Some say that the police are corrupted and arent enthusiastic to finding the attackers.
    Plus the pres speaks with an aggressive nationalistic vibe which in some cases makes the matters worse.
  15. drow

    drow New Member

    Ah yes! Russian "nationalism" at its best! I monitor racist site (White nationalist) website and they are all basically of the same mind - to remove all "invaders" who don't belong... :roll:

    Those in such movements believe in "white countries for white people". In this case, Russia for true Russians only Russian nationalist have turned it up a notch. Apparently, the police/gov't there must have some sympathy for these actions since they do not enforce any real preventative measures. I'd be willing to bet that they are probably secretly cheering them on!
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Wished there is a website for Black men to meet Russian women either as friends or lovers.
  17. DI

    DI New Member

    really? why russian? :D by the way, it's a good idea, we should think about it!
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I hope so soon. Had Putin got rid of most of those skinheads IR dating would not be a problem.
  19. DI

    DI New Member

    not only the skinheads are the problem! the main problem is not being used to date out of russian people's race. as you probably know, Russia was very closed for many years. people had no idea about what is going on out of the country. the frontiers were all closed. and it's not really for a long time for russian people to be free to travel! so, that's why IR dating is kinda "out of tradition". and this is the problem for the people over 30 or 40 y o...
  20. drow

    drow New Member

    There are actually quite a few sites dedicated to Russian women seeking men abroad. The only thing you need to watch for are (as with any such sites) people that are trying to swindle you out of money. They are fairly easy to detect however. Russianlovematch.com seems like a good place with a lot of sincere women and I haven't encountered a single woman from that site who had an issue with black men. I still get ridiculous hits a day and I hardly ever frequent the site anymore! It will of course cost you "credits" to carry on a convo with anyone you are interested in but they gave me a free pass for a whole year to be able to open any letter I choose and respond the 1st time for free. That is not to say that they would offer you the same sort of deal but it could happen :)

    If I was where I wanted to be financially, I would seriously look into inviting a woman from Russia into my life. I love Russian women! I take ballroom dancing lessons and my instructor is this 5'2" Russian woman. Cutest thing ever! LOVE the accent!

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