Hey guys I am going to france b/c my job is sending me. I was wondering if any black guys here have been there and any advice to give me? Yes I am also going to Amsterdam ^^ . Let me know what you brothas think and what to look out for.
Virtually all of our 18th-20th century black-American heroes visited France at one point. A lot of them flat out moved there. From my understanding, the French adore black Americans so how to get around as an American should be your question. GWB has made anti-Americanism pretty mainstream though, so I dunno. Black men are nothing new to French women nevertheless.
Thanks for the info well if what you say is the case I won't bother with the ladies. I will just concentrate on sightseeing perhaps and shopping for music.
Were are u going to be in France? I lived there for 8 years... A few little tips: learn a little bit of French...at least the basic stuff...French ppl dislike Americans who arrive there and just expect everyone to speak English to them all the time! Girls aren't easy, but not too shy either...so if u want "some" and u are subtile but yet confident in ur approach, u could have a very good time if u see what I mean!!
French women are very receptive towards black men. Believe that. Obviously, that does not mean you'd be an ass and they'd still listen to you but you do not have to worry about the baggage you carry with American girls.
I will be in Paris for one week. I have decided just to chill and go do things I would like to do. My intrest in women here is dead so it won't likely change in France. I am working on my French so I won't be totally lost out. Thanks for the info guys.