Going to Croatia in January...my Croatian friends say im gonna get RAPED

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by playboy90210, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So you're saying that using the words rape and murder make it easier for people to do and others to ignore?
    Well apparently no meaningful dialogue can be had so good day to you.

    And let me point out you keep using that weak and ridiculous parallel of the" n-word"(I hate that bs too. Just say nigga/nigger if that's what you mean. At this point n-word is childish insincerity) is the same as using the word rape. Now all of sudden murder and kill are off the table even though posters use that terminology frequently and not a word has been said about until you want to make a bogus point. Thats right up there with blaming video games and music for violence as if the world was a perfectly peaceful place before hand. People were killing and hurting each other long before we had words to define them. Your best bet in life is to only hang around women (barring your enlightened bf of course). You turn everything into a man vs women argument when you should know better at this point. If you truly believe that men on here really have no respect for rape victims and are desensitized to what happens to them then why engage them?
    You're not the unspoken voice of rape victims. No one here hates women or bashes them as much as you and others love to throw that around. Women on here constantly throw generalized and sarcastic insults at the men on here but I don't see any of them with their boxers in a bunch.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2011
  2. satyr

    satyr New Member

    It would take a person with only half my intelligence to realize the inappropriateness of using the term "rape" as a descriptor to someone who has actually been raped.

    Stupid person: How did you pay?

    Actual rape victim: $500.

    Stupid person: Oh you got raped!

    Actual rape victim: No I've actually been raped before and it felt nothing like that.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That would require the person to have prior knowledge which the op didn't seem to have.

    And where do you draw the line. I have friends who just got back from war that we make jokes about killing front of. Should the word kill never be used in front of them ever again? Or what about the word cancer? People use phrases like.blank is a cancer on this society. People all over the place have had cancer or know someone who died from it. What about diabetes? That girl is so sweet she could give you diabetes. Its like we want to live in a world where speech is no longer allowed. Everyone is a victim and can't stand to hear words that make them uncomfortable.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I am guessing this subhuman of an asswipe called satyr would be mad if someone said"damn i got fucked in the ass " because that person was ripped off? Why? Because he (satyr ) got fucked in the ass as a kid by probably his crack addicted father and uncles. Now shut up and go suck a dick since that is your forté
  5. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Good, now we're getting somewhere. Your words support the notion that a person would only say something like that out of ignorance.

    The term "rape" as a highly used metaphor would only be appropriate on an alternative version of Earth where every male and female was raped at some point in their lives. It could be some cruel rite of passage in one's early years that would leave permanent scarring. That way everyone would understand the horror of the experience and think twice before making light of it.

    I don't know, cracking jokes to a random Marine about friends losing their lives might be hilarious to him. Give a shot and tell us how many laughs you get.

    Yes cancer, alzheimers, and diabetes are all used metaphorically and there are circumstances in which they can be without casting a poor light on your social graces. One should also be mindful of the evils that exist via human agency and those that do not. I think making light of moral evil (murder, rape, theft) can stick in another person's craw more readily than natural evil (disease, drought, etc.). The world has to release energy which is why we have destructive earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions, but moral evil requires a type of defect in the human soul that bears far less fruit in the humor department.


    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Interesting rep satyrifag why dont you have the balls to say it here?
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I never said making specific jokes about soldiers being killed. I said using the word killed and I have and there's never been a problem because I guess they can tell the difference. I understand sensitivity about the subject but not the word itself. We use other terms like robbed to describe how we feel about a situation not actual theft we use terms like she beat me over the head with logic when people actually get beat over the head. Should we make people sign disclosures or start giving out lists of what we can say and not say?
    if you personally don't like saying certain things because you're afraid it might offend someone fine but please don't try to assume I'm insensitive or ignorant I just subscribe to a different standard than you.

  8. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I've stayed out of this, intentionally, but I just want to offer up some food for thought. I think what's being asked for is a wee bit of sensitivity. Some of you guys are young enough to be my son. I still refer to my son, occasionally, as a boy because to me, well at 24, he still is pretty young. I try really hard not to refer to any of you guys that way even when I think you're acting like kids because the word has a loaded history. Considering the number of women in this country who are or have been raped (1 in 4 or 1 in 6 depending on the study), that word holds a lot of weight too - it's not like rape is this rare thing which never happens to anyone we know. I think, if I'm understanding the thrust of the thread well enough, that what's being asked for is a bit of courtesy and understanding - such as I try to offer by not using a word which would be loaded with meaning I did not intend.

    And that's all I have to say on the subject. Carry on!

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Murders happen almost everyday in certain neighbourhoods in America so does that mean if some guys in those neighbourhood were playing a game and one guy won and said to his friend who had both his parents murdered in drive by shooting "maan i murdered you totally " does that mean he was being insensitive? I hope you know that boys are raped too right? Anyway stop this age thing Pixie trying to act all grandma , you are a well packaged older and a GILF in my eye
  10. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I am absolutely aware that men and boys experience rape as well. As I said, just offering food for thought. Thank you for the compliment.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  12. Lakers24

    Lakers24 New Member

    All Power To You. I’m Hoping For The Same Treatment (All of The Attention From The Girls) When I Go To Germany and Holland During The Summer.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Germany will be fun, especially with the exposure ww are getting from the us bases there

    I'd expect no different from holland either

    every bm I know that rotated through Germany had a white gf there at some point in time
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    POJ,that is the truth. I had not been stationed in Germany but, I once had a German girlfriend.
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i'm sure they will like you just as much as the girl from iceland...wait she wasn't real though right...you went to hell and back trying to convince us that a woman was interested in you...you made up an account...then the two of you had an online affair...loved that you took it so far as to create a myspace page for her all decked out...

    lippy hopes you have better luck in croatia:roll:
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Now that's pathetic
  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you were here when it happened:confused:you don't remember

  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    First time I heard about it. Shocking. Playboy make sure you are tight with a women instead of making a Facebook account for her.
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Dude really done some shit like that? Wow.

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