I don't know if any of you heard this but, I found it interesting. Palin and Miami Heat’s Glen Rice had a one-night tryst: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/14/2406810/palin-and-miami-heats-glen-rice.html
Glen Rice: "In a short time we got to know a lot about one another. It was all done in a respectful way, nothing hurried. She was a gorgeous woman, super nice. I was blown away by her. Afterward, she was a big crush I had." I'm inclined to believe it. She was a local basketball player herself, clearly a sports enthusiast, and there was opportunity for them to cross paths. Besides, Rice has no reason to lie.
Glen laid the pipe in Sarah Barracuda, I wont blame him, I will pump her hard myself. Plus she was way hot in her days, supposedly she was in the final two for Miss Alaska and got beat by a BW (I could be wrong but that's what I heard)