Gilberton Borough, Pa., Police Chief Mark Kessler sparked an uproar this week when his profane, pro-gun tirades blasting "libtards" surfaced. Despite the backlash, both Kessler and Gilberton Mayor Mary Lou Hannon have defended the displays by arguing that he was not in uniform and was acting as a private citizen. In the video above, Kessler, the town's only law enforcement officer, takes to the shooting range in what appears to be his police uniform. He demonstrates how to shoot a handgun, choosing what he calls "Nancy Pelosi," the House minority leader, as his target. The picture on the paper looks like a homicidal clown with a hammer, though Kessler refers to it as "Nancy with her gavel" throughout the video, before putting "two in her face." In other videos, Kessler has appeared out of uniform. Kessler is also a member of the North Schuylkill school board and the leader of a volunteer group called the Constitutional Security Force, which has vowed to take up arms to protect against tyranny. Local reaction to Kessler's videos has been mixed, with some calling them inappropriate and other claiming that he is free to express whatever political views he holds. [YOUTUBE]t3iT1ii1NFM[/YOUTUBE]